
St. Patrick’s Day Centers!


Here’s what was in our center drawers this week:

This was a packet that I got from my friend Traci a couple of years ago.  Since I have ipads in my room, I decided to use the app Telling Time to use this pack.  The kids loved it!


It’s a free app, so go ahead and download it! The kids were TOTALLY engaged the whole time.  They set the time on the clock on their ipad, and then transferred the time to their papers. You can find it {here}

IMG_2588 IMG_2589

We are working on numbers in the 20s this trimester.  Most kiddos have a strong grasp on numbers and counting thanks to our Daily Calendar Book, but I always like to have a center where they practice counting.  I like to have them getting up and moving around the room too a little bit too! The cards are posted around the room.  I always post them in the same spot, so the kiddos know exactly where to find them each week!

IMG_2590 IMG_2587

Here the children are counting shamrocks in ten frames and then coloring the shamrock next to the number that is the biggest. 


We practice counting on every day in our daily calendar, but this weeks addition center through the kiddos for a loop!  Most got it, but I could tell a few needed some extra practice with addition and understanding the concept of addition.  This was a great way for me to see that!


For this center, I normally do a big black plastic pot and put in some gold paper circles.  The children pull out 2 circles and then find the number on the 100s grid and color it in. I’ve also used gold gems that I’ve written numbers on with a sharpie marker!


This time I decided to use the IWB.  If you have an IWB, this page is easy to create.  Simply draw a circle and add a number (group these together).  Duplicate this for numbers 0-9.  Next insert a graphic (the pot of gold) and lock it on top of the numbers.  I made the pot a bit more transparent so it’s easier to find the numbers.  I added a “refresh” button that the children click to put the coins back “in” and also added audio instructions.  Does that make sense to you IWB users?  I have a Promethean board, so it might be different for all of you SMART board users!


Of course the children were obsessed with leprechauns, and they were crazy confused about the leprechaun mixing up our sight words (see the picture way above).  The children found the cards around the room, unscrambled them and wrote them on the recording sheets.


At this center, the children unscrambled the silly sentences!


and practicing with digraphs!


I also have a listening center every week!  This week the children listened to I  Know an Old Lady who Swallowed a Clover. The children drew and labeled the things that the old lady swallowed. 


I also have been using Lakeshore’s Phonemic Awareness listening center.  The children love these too!


St. Patricks’ day is a pretty special day in my family.  My grandma’s blood ran green!   Looking forward to a wonderful dinner of Irish stew, corned beef and cabbage, and green kool-aide, green bread, and green mashed potatoes (for the kids!) tomorrow.

If you’re interested in these centers you can find them {here}.  You can also find more St. Paddy’s day ideas {here} {here} and {here!}

I’ll leave you this St. Patrick’s eve with a few of my favorite Irish blessings.

An Irish Blessing - Free Printable - May Flowers Always Line Your Path



and the one that my grandma especially loved….

Irish Blessing Chalkboard Printable from {Too Much Time On My Hands}



  1. Love these quotes! I sang your Grandma's favorite in high school chorus. Such a lovely song! Have a great St. Patty's day! Looks like you had fun celebrating in school. Now have fun at home with those green potatoes! =)


  2. I love your Promethean Board activity. I think this would be great for some of my kids... they *just* got all the bells and whistles working on my Promethean this past week (only 2 years after I inherited the classroom).


  3. Thanks. You rock! I enjoy your posts. I use your calendar notebook everyday and send you good vibes for creating a wonderful teaching tool.

    Elissa <3

  4. Thanks. You rock! I enjoy your posts. I use your calendar notebook everyday and send you good vibes for creating a wonderful teaching tool.

    Elissa <3

  5. You always have such adorable center ideas! :)
    I just love your blog! :)
    Crayons and Curls
