
Sight Words {and} Chants

Every week, I introduce the kids to two new sight words.  I have a sign on the outside of my door that looks like this:


Sorry – it’s not the best picture – the flash didn’t like the laminating! Underneath the construction paper flap are two sticky notes with the weeks’ sight words on it.  The children have to tell me the sight words each time they enter the room.  They get SO excited whenever there is a new sight word! 

You can download your own password sign by clicking on the picture below.  You will just need to supply the flap! Just add a sheet of construction paper or cute scrapbook paper and tape it on!  I quickly made three versions – click on any picture to download all three.

image image image

Psst: You can use these signs for more than just sight words! At the beginning of the year use it for letters, shapes, numbers, etc.

Each week, we also write our new sight words to hang on our fridge.  This picture came from a friends classroom:


(You could easily do this with letters too!)

And I also add the word to magnetic white boards:


Throughout the day, I’ll mix up the letters and ask children to come up and fix the words.

Here is the sight word page for you as well as an alphabet page!



Disclaimer: I do not do letter of the week in my classroom.  However, for the first few weeks of school, our reading series has a review of letters.  We practice all letters and sounds every week, but there is a focus on a specific letter.

Okay, here’s the fun part!  It took me a long time to put these together!  I came across these sight word chants on the web (I saved them to my computer, so I’m not really sure where they came from!)


It was too hard to flip through the pages to find different chants so… I love popsicle sticks, so I came up with these babies:



The kids went NUTS over them! It took me FOREVER to type them up on labels!  I put the name of the chant on one side of the stick and the “how-to” on the other side.  (I trimmed around the name to make it fit better). I pull out a stick and we do the chant! The kids LOVE the push-up one – it is SO funny to watch them do push-ups! 

So, here are the labels for you – they sometimes get a little wacky when printed to a PDF so, I hope they print out okay for you!


(The names are first, and the descriptions follow consecutively)

I hope you like all the freebies in this post! Leave me a comment, follow my blog, or make a donation to my Donors Choose proposal if you feel so inclined!  Have fun creating!


  1. Thanks for sharing this!! I'm so excited to use this. I've been trying to find ways to make learning sight words more exciting and engaging. Thank you!!


  2. Thanks for sharing this! The chants are so fun and the sign specifically for the refrigerator is great!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing this! I am definitely going to implement the what's the password (would go with the detective/mystery theme I am planning on doing this year) as well as the chant sticks!! High Five to you

    Primary Connections

  4. What a great idea for the chants on popsicle sticks! I have 3-4 pages of chants and I hate flipping through them. Your way is so much easier! Love it! Thanks so much for sharing that. Love the password thing too. Would be good to use for math vocab or any vocab really. Thanks for the great ideas!

  5. These are wonderful! I love the "Letter/ Sound we are working on this week" poster. This will be so helpful to my students.

    Ms. M
    Ms.M's Blog
    A Teacher's Plan

  6. We do the password door sign but it is definetly not as cute as yours!! I will be making a new one! Love the refrigerator signs also!!! Thanks so much for sharing!!!

  7. Just awesome! Thank you so much!!!


  8. So, so, so, so cute!!!! Thanks a bunch!!!

  9. Thanks for sharing! I'm always looking for new ways to incorporate our sight words and these are great!

  10. Thanks! Shared these on FB with other K teachers!


  11. Thank you so much for posting these! I love the idea of the can of ways to chant sight words. There are so many creative ideas. I'll be using these to help kids to chant the spelling of their name at the beginning of the year.

  12. I LOVE the password idea! It is something I can easily do with my small groups!! Thanks for sharing!
    ~ Mrs. Mc
    Little Literacy Learners

  13. Thank you so much for sharing! These look fabulous!

  14. Thanks so much for great ideas---I've added them to my "summer to-do" list... Right now, I still have 3 more school days...

    Liesl in VA

  15. Thanks for all the great ideas! One of the teachers at my school does a similar password, except they have a supervisor who wears a visor with a sight word. Then all the kids have to whisper the secret word

  16. Thanks for sharing I am going to make this for next year!! What kind of labels to you use and do you have the title for your can?

  17. Thanks for sharing!

  18. love it! more to do on my summer to do list but I can't wait! thank you! -christy inglis

  19. Gracious! Look at all these freebies!! :) I usually do a password for my kids to get on the playground after lunch. If we're working on B then they'll have to give me a word that starts with B...or a word with an -ing ending...or a rhyme...or a compound word...etc. Love to add this to my door. Or maybe put it on the treasure box!! :) Thanks for all the good ideas!

    Little Miss Glamour Goes to Kindergarten

  20. Thanks so much for the freebies. I am always looking for ways to add fun sight word activities to our kindergarten day! You rock!

  21. THANK YOU!!! I love the chants on the sticks! That is exactly what I needed-I kept forgetting the new ones we could do! This is PERFECT!!! LOVE!


  23. Thanks for all the freebies! I will start the password idea I love it. Hopefully I get all of the popcicle sticks done to start that idea too. The kids love picking an activity out of a can! I think it gives them the sense of power or control!

  24. I'm SOOO excited about this that I can hardly stand it!!!!!! I am always forgetting what to do and how to do each thing! hooray! Thank you :)

  25. This is soooo cool! My kids will love this! I can't wait to use it. Thanks!

  26. ahhhh! you are totally awesome!! Thank you soooooo much for sharing!

  27. Thanks so much for this! I have been planning to do a word of the week for vocabulary focus, and this will help me get the ball rollin! I love these great ideas!

  28. Love them all!

    Do you happen to have the label you used on the outside of your chant stick holder?

    Thanks for sharing!

    Cathy I.

  29. I just finished cutting the "labels" and gluing them on with a glue stick. They didn't line up to the labels I was using but taking the time to cut and glue them was not a big deal. I know that my students will LOVE these chants and will gain so much out of doing them. Thanks! :) (FYI - on the label sheets: you have "robot" twice and the explanation for "imaginary chalkboards" is missing a "k" in the word 'chalkboard.') <3

  30. Thanks for sharing. I would suggest putting your website on your work so we can comeback and find the directions later. Virginia

  31. Neat, neat, neat!!! Thanks for the great ideas. I can't wait to use them with my kiddos!

  32. Great ideas!! Thanks :-)


  33. Last year I had a chica tree on my front door and I introduced two lettrs a week. I would say chica chica boom boom, what's the password to my room? Then, I would point to a letter and the student would have to say the letter and sound. :)YOu could do this with sight words too. :)

  34. Just printed the labels for the Sight Word Chants! THANK YOU! I'm really excited to use these next school year! Thanks for sharing your fabulous ideas with us!

  35. Love the chants. Thanks for sharing!

  36. OMG!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! ♥ it all!! If you put a coat of ModPodge over your cute little Popsicle sticks-they will last FOREVER!!! It's almost like laminating things that aren't made of paper:) Thanks SoOo much for sharing:)
    Little Warriors

  37. Thank you so much for sharing!! I love all of these ideas and will be using them in my room!!!

    :-) Danielle
    Toadally Awesome in Kindergarten

  38. Thank you! Awesome ideas!

  39. Thank you so much for sharing this great idea!!!!

  40. What a great idea! I can't wait to watch my students having fun and actively engaged while practicing sight words. Thanks!

  41. These are great ideas...thanks!

  42. Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful ideas!

  43. Wow, I can't wait to give it a try! Thanks for the delightful idea!

  44. I LOVE the password idea! Thank you so much!!

  45. I love them. I will add them to my "to do" pile to make this summer. Thanks!

  46. Love these ideas! What font did you use for these (I should probably know already!) :)

  47. I LOVE the password idea and the popsicle chants! What cute ideas! I can't wait to see more! Come check us out and follow our blog!

  48. Love the chants! Thanks for sharing your hard work!
    Funky First Grade Fun

  49. My kids (and the other kids that walk by my door) love looking for the password too. The days I forgot it, I was surely told about it. haha Love your ideas that go with it.

  50. Love the popsicle stick sight word idea! I am totally making this before school starts. Thanks so much for sharing!

    Magnificent Multiagers!

  51. Thanks so much for taking the time to type out the sight word chants for the popsicle sticks to share with us! I am making them tonight! Kari

  52. Love this!! Thank you so much for sharing!!

  53. This is such a cute idea! I have the chants that I printed out and cut apart and have in a little "library" pocket, but I never use them because they are not ever where they should be. The popsicle stick idea is so cute and will be easier to find too.

  54. I love these ideas! I'm always looking for fun things to do with sight words. Thank you so much!!

  55. LOVE the Popsicle stick chants, I'll be making these today :) Thank you so much for sharing!! I was also wondering if you have the label for the container available?
    You ROCK :)


  56. Love all you fabulous ideas. Time to get busy making the popcicle sticks. Will a certain Avery label size work? I'd like to surprise my fellow kindergarten teachers with a set. But wanted to find an easier way to label.
    THANK YOU!!!

  57. Love the chants on Popsicle sticks! Thanks for the idea!

  58. OMG! Thank you so much! When I student taught a year ago my mentor teacher did the sight word chants but I could never really find them. So this year when I did my first year teaching I just did the ones I remembered. You have no idea what it meant to me to see the labels posted (esp. as freebies- I still refer to myself as a struggling student. lol) Anyways THANK YOU!!!

  59. I love these!! I just tried to pring them off and they will not load. It says there is a problem with the document or I do not have permission to view the document. Hmm...I was able to see them last night!

  60. What wonderful printables! I love the printables that can be put on the fridge for homeschoolers or anyone wanting to reinforce literacy skills at home. And I always loved using chants for learning. Thanks for sharing! I featured your post at the Living Montessori Now Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/LivingMontessoriNow

  61. Thank you so much for the popsicle stick chants! I ran right out and got labels and sticks this morning, and I'm happy to say they're ready to go! I teach 1st grade but LOVE your ideas! Thanks so much for sharing them and for making them FREE! :)

  62. I just LOVE the sight word chants... I like using Popsicle too!!! I know my kiddos love any kind of chant, these will be a perfect addition to our room!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Mrs. Stamp's Kindergarten

  63. Curls and a Smile sent me over. Thanks for the chants! I can't wait to use them!

  64. I just made my word chant sticks! Thanks for sharing!!


  65. I am so using this idea in the fall!!! Love it!!!

  66. I LOVE these! I just printed them out (they look perfect) and am about to cut and glue onto my Popsicle sticks. Thank you so much!!!

  67. I can't wait to try the Popsicle chant sticks! I will be getting things are Walmart to make them tomorrow (I hope!) Thanks for the freebies!

    Fantastic First Grade

  68. SUCH a great idea-so much more manageable!
    Can't wait to try it out-well yes I can-going to enjoy my July off-but will print them out and glue them on while I lay by the pool one day-thanx <3

  69. THANKS for sharing- these are WONDERFUL!! I'm a new follower now! (I would have been even if you had not done all this work for us, you have adorable ideas on here!!)

  70. I love this! Could I possibly still get this? Adorable :)

    Classic Crafter

  71. What a wonderful way to review sight words. I had a sheet with ideas of chants but it wasn't easy to look through. This is practical and adorable. Thanks!!

  72. Thank you so much for sharing your ideas!!These are so cute. One question - Do you have a series you have to use as far as introducing new sight words or do you choose them yourself? Our school ONCE used Cindy Cupp so we still introduce our words according to her lessons. I think we introduce @ 80 or 90 sight words by the end of the year. I just feel like it is too much for more than 1/2 of my kiddos. Can you post maybe a list of the sight words you use and what order you introduce them. I use your blog as a guide for a lot of things. Your ideas are so helpful Also, did you ever make your Math Morning Work packets. You posted some things @ April regarding morning work and had some Math sheets. These would wonderful for my kids. THANKS!!!

  73. Thank you so much for sharing! :) I LOVE THESE!!!

    Where do you get your cute borders you put around your pages? They are precious!

    I <3, <3, <3 the can of chants! I will for sure be making that! :)

    Thanks again!
    Kindergarten Katy

  74. Thank you so very much!! I'm homeschooling my children (6th and kindergarten...eep) I was LOST on something fun to do with letters and sight words. My soon-to-be kindergartener is on the very active side, this will help get the jillies out while learning! Win win in my book! Thank you again!

  75. Thanks so much for sharing! These are great. I was needing a way to make sight words more fun. :)

  76. WoW!!! Thank you for sharing all of your hard work! It is a great resource for teachers!! Thank you, Thank you!

  77. I am printing thinking and getting excited for these new tips, ideas, and things I can immediately use. Thank you for sharing. Smiles! ck

  78. So I might be in love with your blog. Thanks so much for sharing all these great resources. I have been struggling with losing my excitement for teaching and am trying really hard this year to have a fresh outlook. Reading your blog is helping me to get excited and these ideas are great and practical. Thanks! Thanks!

  79. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea! So creative! Thank you so much for sharing! :)

  80. I cannot tell you how much I love the password idea! Rachelle over at What The Teacher Wants shared it and your blog and it's awesome! I cannot wait to use it in my room this year! I know they'll just love the secrecy of it all and whispering it to each other and then yelling it out at me! :) Thanks so much for sharing this idea- I'm excited!

    Teachers Ask, Teachers Tell

  81. I also do sight word cheers but you shared some new ones for me. Thanks for another great post.
    Finally in First

  82. Those are great ideas! Thank you for sharing. I really liked the individual white board for the sight words. Will definitely use these ideas in my room.

  83. Thank you so much for sharing these freebies! :)

  84. Thank you for the awesome idea and download!

  85. This is amazing! Thank you thank you! I found you through Teaching in High Heels. I'll be moving from 5th/6th grade to 1st/2nd grade this year, so I'll definitely be able to use these resources. I just added you to my Google Reader!

  86. AAAWWWEEESSSOOOMMMEEE!!! You are the coolest teacher ever!

    Thank you so much for sharing. I truly appreciate it. I am SO going to use this next year!


  87. Thank you so much for sharing! Can't wait to use this in a few weeks!

  88. Thank you so much for sharing. We start school in 2 weeks. I am always looking for new ideas to teach sight words that is fun. I wonder after learning these chants the kids could do them independently in the sight word / word wall center???

  89. These are hilarious! Thank you so much.

    Grade ONEderful

  90. Thank you very much. I cannot wait to use them in my classroom :-)

  91. I absolutely love these and I'm sure my students will too! Thanks for sharing!!!

  92. love, love, your site!! would you mind telling me what font you used for the letter and sound sheet to hang on the fridge??

  93. @Jennifer -- to be honest with you, I really don't know!! I know the bottom one is DJ Groovy - I use that one a lot...maybe it's DJ Spaz?? Not sure!

  94. Your blog is adorable! I do those same sight word chants, but I didn't have a good system for picking which one to use. I will definitely be using your labels. :)

  95. K...newbie teacher with 1st grade :)August 15, 2011 at 12:42 AM

    L.O.V.E. these!! thanks SO much for sharing!!! just configured my labels so i can just print & stick :)

  96. I just finished making mine! I painted them like zebras like I saw somewhere and then add your great labels. I added some packaging tape around the labels. Now I'll have them forever! I hope this will help me use the word wall more often. FYI - the word robot is on twice but the description is not on twice. You're the best - thank you for sharing this wonderful resource.
    Little Priorities

  97. Thank you so much for sharing! I love the idea of letting them move around. This really helps some kids to focus!

  98. I'm SUPER impressed and excited to use these ideas!! You are amazing for sharing!!
    Many Blessings!:)

  99. This rocks!! Can't wait to use it!

  100. Great ideas and so kind of you to share!!!

  101. I usually read all the posts before I comment...but there are soooo many comments that I'm sure everyone is as amazed as I am.
    Thank you (and my students will thank you)!

  102. LOVE the sight word chants on Popsicle sticks!!!! THANK YOU for all of that hard work!!

  103. You are AWESOME!!! Thanks for sharing.

  104. I love these too. . . but my second graders use them to practice their spelling words! Works just the same and they love when we can practice a few while waiting for something. . . and their spelling scores have improved too!

  105. Thank you soooo much! I appreciate your creativity and generosity! My kinders will have so much fun with this!!! Deedra Ingrum

  106. Thank you so much for the freebie! My kiddos love the word wall chants, so this will make it even more fun! LuAnn

  107. I love this idea! Thanks for sharing the freebies!!!

  108. Love the popsicle stick chants--thanks so much!

  109. Me encanta! I love it! I will start using it next week with my Bilingual Class, ! Thanks!!

  110. I just have to say, the sight word sticks are AMAZING! I used them the other day to practice spelling words for one of my kids who **hates** spelling!! He was laughing the entire time we did the activity and didn't get frustrated when he misspelled a word (which has never happened before!). When I spoke to his mom about it the next day, she said he couldn't stop laughing while describing the activity to her that evening! THANK YOU SO MUCH for sharing!!! I cannot fully explain my excitement! :)

  111. You rock! Thank you for the sight word chants! My kids love doing them!

  112. Great post! Helps to make it fun and keep the focus! thanks SO much for sharing and all your hard work :) As a new teacher, I need all the help I can get!

  113. Thank you so much for sharing your great ideas!! Much appreciated.

  114. Great ideas for sight words practice. Thank you for sharing!

  115. Your blog is amazing! I have spent the last 2 hours downloading and saving and getting excited for next year! Thank you for your HOURS of work and willingness to share! I REALLY appreciate it! So many amazing ideas!

  116. I'm so excited to find these! Great ideas-thanks for sharing all of your hard work!

  117. OMG! I love the popsicle sticks! I have to make these - what a time saver - and quick.
    I am your newest follower.
    Stop by and check out my blog sometime!

  118. Wow! Thanks for sharing the darling chants! I love the popsicle stick idea! Your hard work is appreciated!

  119. I love using chants! Thank you for this resource :-)

    Modern Kindergarten

  120. You are amazing! I am getting so many wonderful ideas from you -- it's so refreshing! Thank you for sharing so many awesome things!

  121. I love reading your blog, thanks for all of the great ideas! And double thanks for giving me the materials to implement them in my classroom, they are a huge help.

  122. You have so many great ideas! Thank you for sharing. I love the password idea and I'm excited to try the chants with the sight words.

  123. What great ideas! Thank you so much for sharing your chants!

    Mrs. Jankord

  124. I love this!!! Thanks for the freebies!!

  125. I tried to print these because I absolutely love this idea but the pdf would never open. Is there any way you could e-mail these to me? Thanks so much!


  126. This comment has been removed by the author.

  127. I Love the popsicle stick idea, but pdf wont open....can you post again?

  128. I am excited to use the popsicles, thank you for sharing all of your hard work!!

  129. Hi! I couldn't open it either. Would love to use these. Can you post them again or email to chispa3@charter.net

    Thanks for sharing!

  130. Thank You!!! As a new teacher this is really helpfu :)

  131. Sorry I can't open them either...I would love a copy of them. Could you please send them to me at jscholb@hotmail.com. Thank you!!!!

  132. Thank you so much for sharing:) What great ideas!

  133. Hello ! In your blog article did you use the information from some studies or here are totally your exclusive reflections? Can't wait to hear from you.

  134. Thanks so much for these! Love them!!! Amy :)

  135. Thanks for the ideas! I have "What's the Password?" set up outside our classroom door (only modified slightly), and I'm working on putting together a few other activities. I created a customizable "Sight Word Slides and Ladders" game that anyone can grab if you want it. Visit my blog (although my blog is not nearly as great as this one... and I keep forgetting my camera). There are links to my Google Docs, and you can grab the PDFs. :)


  136. This comment has been removed by the author.

  137. I tried to print these because I absolutely love this idea but the pdf would never open. Is there any way you could e-mail these to me? Thanks so much!

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  141. Hi Kathleen,

    I just stumbled upon your blog and I absolutely LOVE it! I teach an exteneded day Kindergarten ELD class and was looking for ways to practice sight words in a new and fun way. I cannot open the PDF, is there any way you can email me this? Thank you again! :) jacquelynwsmn@aol.com

  142. WOW!! Exactly what I was looking for. I also love popsicle sticks. :) THANK YOU!!

  143. Thank you for the great ideas! I love the sight word of the week paper to send home and hand on the fridge. Such a simple but impactful idea.

  144. I would love the freebies from this tutorial. my email is myriahmae@yahoo.com THANKS

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  173. Great ideas! I wish I could get the chants to open. I'd love to see them.

  174. Hi! I love your password signs...but I can't seem to download them. Any hints?

  175. hi! what a fabulous blog and these sight word chants are just what i need as i embark on my first year in first grade!!! unfortunately i can't get the files to open! i would be so appreciative if you could send them to me!


    thank you so much! looking forward to exploring more on your blog! :)

  176. This was just what I needed....thank you SO much! I've been teaching for 18 years but this is my first year in kinder.....WOW....a totally different ball game right?! I'm actually loving it, but this is the kind of stuff I need....I'm following you by email now so that I don't miss a post! Thanks again :)

    Stephanie Ann
    Sparkling in Kindergarten

  177. This was just what I needed....thank you SO much! I've been teaching for 18 years but this is my first year in kinder.....WOW....a totally different ball game right?! I'm actually loving it, but this is the kind of stuff I need....I'm following you by email now so that I don't miss a post! Thanks again :)

    Stephanie Ann
    Sparkling in Kindergarten

  178. Hi,
    I absolutely love this and can use it in my classroom. How do I get permission to print?

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  180. Love these word wall chants! The other 2nd grade teacher at my school uses them. I tried to print them, but it said that the page "Was Not Found". Is there any other way to print them.


  181. Your sigth words chants stickers is not loading on google docs. Is that a problem on my end or yours? Can you upload it again? Thanks

  182. I've been using your password idea for 3 weeks now and my kinders LOVE it. I have been looking for new sight word chants, so this is perfect! Thank you!


  183. My cousin recommended this blog and she was totally right keep up the fantastic work!

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  184. Is it possible to get a copy of the Sight Word chants please? I am unable to download them from here. Thank you very, very much!!!

  185. Hello!! I love your idea, it is fantaaaastic for my children. But I have the same problem as Deb, I am unable to download them. Could you please upload it again??
    THaaank you so muuuuch!!!

  186. Hi, I'm having the same trouble. Can you please upload the chants again?


  187. Every day you hear or read many new English words. You also find them in your dictionary when you are translating from your own language. You can’t possibly learn all these new words, so your first problem is to decide which ones to concentrate on. https://vocabmonk.com helps you to learn new words and enhance your vocabulary by providing personalized sessions to the individuals.
    Give a shot..!!

  188. I, too, am trying to download them, but Google Drive says I need to request permission! Will you email them out, please? My firsties need some new ways to practice our sight words. Also, I'm starting the password next week!

    Oops! My email is ccwoodward1989@gmail.com

  189. Hi! I cannot download them either without permission and I really love this idea! Another K teacher friend of mine told me about this blog. Could you please email me access or tell me how I can purchase this?
    Thank you, sphelps@eesd.net

  190. I'm having trouble downloading the sight word chants as well! I am so excited to prep these over the summer! Could you email them to me? Thank you!!


  191. I'm unable to download these documents (passwords, sight word chants, and refrigerator sheets). Can you email them to me? warnerfour@gmail.com

  192. I would like the sight word chants, if you wouldn't mind emailing them to jaime (dot) c (dot) west at gmail (dot) com. Thank you!

  193. Love the chants!!! Is there any way that you could share the PDF with me. I am not able to access it. My email is claire.bergen@yorkdukes.org

    Thank you so much!!

  194. I would love these chants please!

  195. I love the chants and the weekly sight word and letter sound sheets! Could you please email them to me at sarah.viviani.92@gmail.com? Thank you!
