
St. Patrick’s Week!

St. Patrick’s day is a very special time in my family.  My Grandma’s blood ran green.  Truly.  She was Irish and was not afraid to let anyone know it.  My grandma passed away about a month ago.  I miss her dearly, I was fortunate to be by her side during her last hours when I was home on my sick leave.  She was truly an inspiration in my life and an amazing role model.  A woman I strive to be. 

Growing up, we always wore green on St. Patrick’s day. ALWAYS.  My mom has a collection of St. Patrick’s day pins that we could choose from.  Corned beef and cabbage was the evening meal, and my mom always made green mashed potatoes, green jello-o, and green kool-aid.  Looking forward to our annual dinner this year, but we will all be missing Grandma!

On a happier note – my hubby was able to save all of my documents from our hard drive! Now we just need to wait for a new one from the computer guys.  I had 2 blogs all ready to go for you guys – Seuss stuff and my Now!Board review, but that will have to wait, I guess!  I’ll try to re-type it when I can.

Here is what is in my center drawers for this week:

Leprechauns are tricky! They’ve mixed up our sight words again!


The children are practicing with “super e” at this center.  If you haven’t scooped up The Teacher Wife’s Super E unit – you must! The kids LOVE it!


Here we are working on sentence structure and neat handwriting! Can’t ever get enough practice with neat handwriting!


Here the kids are rolling for digraphs (wh, ch, sh, and th)


And searching the room for leprchaun gold and writing the word with blends.


At this center, the children will dig for gold in the pot – they’ll pull out 2 numbers (0-9) to make a 2 digit number, find it and color it on the number grid, and then switch the numbers around to make a new number.


Still practicing with addition – this time we’re working on counting on!


Which one is greater?  Counting and comparing practice in one.


And some place value. 


Counting in the 20s with gold!  This is a “count the room” center.


If you’re interested in any of these centers, you can find them {here}.  It should be a fun week this week! With the weather in the 50s all week, I know the kids will have some major spring fever!  I’m just about finished with a bug unit and will be working on a weather unit tonight.  Hope you all have a great week, and for those of you on Spring Break – I am totally jealous!


  1. These centers are AMAZING! I can't believe your little Kinders are doing all these math centers - how awesome!

    Kaleigh's Klassroom

  2. Wow! These look great! I want to be in your classroom!!

    Peace, Love, and First Grade
