
Leprechauns…better late than never!

It has been crazy up in my neck of the woods and I apologize for not getting this post up when you could have actually used these items!  But, you can save them for next year!  The good news is…I have finished my first draft of my thesis paper and have submitted it for review.  That is a HUGE weight off of my shoulders. I know there are still many hours of work left on it, plus adding all the supplemental ideas and activities, but, phew, I am breathing a sigh of relief.  Thank you to all of you that submitted awesome vocab ideas!  If you have a great idea for vocabulary or oral language, please send me an e-mail or leave a comment under this post.

Onto the goodies!
We had a short week the week of St.Patrick’s day for our spring break (ha! We had a blizzard here last week!!), so I continued the leprechaun fun into last week.  Here is a glimpse into our classroom:

{Many of my centers this week were inspired by the ever talented Julie Lee! Make sure you visit her blog when you get a chance!}

~Math Centers~

This center is super simple to make – you need a cauldron for your pot of gold, (you can find them at party stores or during Halloween)some gold gems, and a sharpie marker!  Write the number 1-100 on your gold gems, and have the children pull one gem out at a time, find it on their number grid, and color it in. 


Subtracting with Shamrocks:



I got this center from a friend last year. I used a clock puzzle that I found at TJ Maxx a few years ago.  The children put together the puzzle pieces and write the time on their clocks.


Adding gold coins:



This is another center from a friend – the children stamp the corresponding coin.  I also had a coin memory game that they played when they were finished.


~Literacy Centers~

This sheet also came from a friend (thanks, friend!). The children pulled out a blend figurine from the pot of gold and then wrote it under the correct “pot of blends!”


This is my lift the flap blend center.  The children lifted the flap, wrote the corresponding word by stretching out the sounds and then wrote a sentence using one of the words.


The children used jumbo letter stamps to stamp the middle vowel sound.


You can’t see it in his hand, but the leprechaun is holding a picture – the children had to stretch out the sounds to write the word on the line.DSCN0721

Yet another one from my fab friend – the children put the sight words in ABC order and then wrote them on the lines next to the correct letter.


If you have any questions about any of the centers, don’t hesitate to contact me! Transportation centers up next!

PS – If you decide to grab any of my downloads, please leave a comment below and become a follower.  It’s a few extra steps (and a lot more time) to attach the downloads, and if no one is downloading, I won’t attach them anymore.  Thanks for your consideration!


  1. LOVE this!!!!! I get so excited when I see that you have shared your wonderful ideas! I am a 3rd year kindergarten teacher, so I am still building my collection of word clubs and math tubs!

  2. These are great! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I downloaded the middle sound sheet to save for next year. thanks!

  4. This is all really cute! Great for next year. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Wow!! Thank you so much! I love you blog and all of your great ideas!

  6. Hi Kathleen! I love checking your blog everyday and seeing so many awesome things that my munchkins will love. Anyways I just wanted to let you know that I have added you to my blog roll on my blog (

    I am always looking to link up and try new things so I can get my resources out there! Let me know if you would be interested!

  7. Thank you for sharing your work. These are adorable. Love Dj inkers. This is so appreciated. Hope you continue to share.

  8. Please keep sharing! I am loving your creative ideas! You inspire me to be better.

    Thanks soooo much!

  9. Your blog is wonderful! I love all your ideas. Thanks so much for sharing. I follow your blog now.

  10. Thanks SoOoO much for sharing!! I was wondering where the clip art is from that you used on your worksheets??

  11. A lot of the clip art comes from DJ Inkers!

  12. Thanks!!! Just checked it out and got permission from the hubby to get the Ultimate Doodle Collection;)!!! So excited:) Thanks again!!!

  13. Always looking for new ideas! Thanks for sharing!!!

  14. Ha! Katie - too funny! Love that we have to ask our hubby's permission to buy clip art! I really like the monthly ones! I might have to check out the ultimate doodle collection!!

  15. You have such cute ideas! Thanks for sharing

  16. I just found your site and I am in love!!!! THANK YOU so much for sharing all your creativity! I love the downloads, its like instant shopping! :)

  17. Thank you so much for sharing!

  18. Great centers- thanks for taking the time to put these out there for everyone. I am a follower!

  19. Thank you for sharing your center work.

  20. Wow, you have a lot of great ideas. Are you willing to share templates?
    I often find that I never seem to have enough time to create my own, and just barely enough time to hit print and laminate.


  21. Thanks for the freebies!! Your blog has inspired so many ideas for this year. I can't wait to use them all!! Thank you for being so generous!

  22. Great freebies and downloads! Sometimes I'm at a loss for what to add to my stations to make my kids want to learn.

  23. I just found these great freebies. Thank you for posting them. They will be great for my kids.


  24. Thank you for sharing all of these GREAT resources! I will be blogging about them on my blog!

  25. Thank you so much for the fun filled posts. My students are going to love them! =)

  26. Awesome ideas! Thanks for your hard work making these...I love them!

  27. I love all your activities. Thanks for sharing.

  28. PRECIOUS!! Thank you so much for sharing! I love your blog!

  29. Thanks!! These will be SHAM-RIFIC with my class!

  30. Love your ideas! Thanks for sharing!! :)

  31. Hi Kathleen,
    Thank you so much for your links which help saved me a lot of time in searching for St. Patty's Day activities (one thing actually led to another!). My kiddos and I really appreciate the downloads.
