
Pocket Dice {Teacher Tool}


teacher tool tuesday

I get a LOT of e-mails asking me about the pocket dice that I use so often in my games and centers.  This is one teacher tool that I could NOT live without!


I think I have 6 or 7 of these dice! I use them for both math and literacy centers.  I like to have enough so that I can use them for whole group activities as well – so each table can have one. 

There are two places that I have found that you can order these dice from.


and Resources for Reading

ABCstuff MV324

I also found these cool dry erase dice – I don’t own them, but they might be fun to switch it up a bit!  I only wonder how easily the dry erase marker would wipe off.  Maybe using dry erase crayons would work better?  They are a little harder to wipe off.

Do you use these dice? Do you LOVE them? Any fun ideas that you use them for?


  1. I LOVE these dice! Carson Dellosa should pay you a finders fee, I ordered 3 and some friends ordered some too!! I heard the dry erase ones, erase too easily. :(

    Mrs. Hoffer's Spot.

    1. That's what I was thinking Kaci....I just *might* order them just to see if the crayons will hold up better. I like changing things up a bit! Maybe for intervention groups when I need to quickly practice a skill????

    2. Sounds like a good idea!! Or Vis-a-Vis markers!! Let us know how they work.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Kathleen...I LOVE these dice,too! I love how easily you can switch them to change activities or skills. I need more! My kids love them, too!

  4. You can use permanent marker to write on the dry erase dice and then use fingernail polish remover to erase it. Hope this helps!!

  5. I do not have these dice but I WANT them! :) What a great idea, thanks for sharing Kathleen!

    Fun in PreK-1 is Having a Giveaway!

  6. I have 3 sets of these dice and I LOVE them! They get used all the time. I ordered the first set because you talked about how much you loved them, and then I discovered that I love them too, and ordered 2 more sets!! I use them for "Roll the Word" games, and in place of spinners for several games that I have. A BIG L-O-V-E!!!

    abcs and polkadots

  7. I have two sets of these dice. They are the BEST!!! I highly recommend them!!! I will be ordering more as soon as the district lets us know who will be cut this year. Unfortunately, they are cutting 32 teachers.

  8. I love the pocket dice because flat inserts are so much easier to store than dice you print and fold. I was just looking for these myself so I could describe them in a unit I made for TPT. :) We do have dry erase dice as well. I write with permanent marker on regular dice that are blank from our Math kits and the kinders fingers do sometimes wipe them off. They can wipe off the dry erase dice but I found if we put them in a shallow tray from the dollar store and shake them, erasing isn't an issue. We did break one the first time out because it rolled off the table.

  9. I LOVE these dice! I have three sets from Carson Dellosa, and we use them all the time for EVERYTHING! This week, we are using them for some of your centers from "I Can Learn Can You?". I got mine from Amazon for only $14.95 a set!

  10. Kathleen... So excited! I just officially signed up for your session in Vegas! Woo-Hoo! Can't wait to meet 'cha!

  11. I have these too and LOVE my pocket dice!! I use them for practically everything. I got mine at the Reading Recovery Conference in Cincinnati about 7 years ago. Stephanie

  12. i have those and use those too!! ALL the time!!

  13. The pocket dice are great and I use them all the time. (The bigger the piece of paper you put in the pocket, the more likely the paper will stay in.) The wipe off dice are thumbs down. I have made them work by using vis-a-vis markers with a piece of clear tape over the writing- a lot of work.
