
Drop Box + Silhouette = LOVE

It never fails that when your little kiddos come through the door they have a handful of goodies for you.  Often in my classroom, it’s lunch money.  The solution – this little drop box.



I originally saw the drop box {here}.  It was created by Ashley of the Polka Dot Patch.  I loved it immediately, and I searched high and low for the same caddy.  I think I was a year too late at Michael’s.  I still keep my eyes open for one though!  Mine is a little bit too small – but it’s perfect for envelopes and parent notes.


IMG_2582      IMG_2583


I found the little basket at Michael’s and I had the ribbon and vinyl in my crafting stash, so this baby didn’t cost me a whole lot to make.

I used my Silhouette Cameo to design and cut the vinyl.


No, there aren’t any polka dots on my drop box, but I couldn’t see that perfect vinyl go to waste, so I added some circles – I knew I would use them from another project later.

Silhouette Studio (I have the designer edition) makes it super simple to design projects.  If you are familiar with designing things in Power Point, you could easily design with Silhouette Studio.

I used transfer paper and a simple credit card to adhere the vinyl to my bucket.  Vinyl does take a little bit to figure out, but now I use it for EVERYTHING! 

I use my Silhouette a TON for school.  Take a peek at this post to see some other projects I’ve done. But, I also like to use my Silhouette for home too!  I’ve got lots of projects on my “to-do” list, but this is one project that I did for my niece for her birthday.



I LOVE the look of this gold vinyl. It made a simple jewelry box turn into something

Do you have a Silhouette Cameo on your wish list, but it’s out of your price range?  Here’s where the Silhouette Portrait steps in!

It’s  on sale for $179.99 and can do all the fun stuff that it’s big sister can do! The only difference is the cutting size – this little lady cuts up to an 8.5” x 11” paper.  You can also get a great deal on Silhouette Studio Designer edition and the big mamma – the Cameo!

Photo: Do you have a Silhouette on your wishlist?!  Here's a great offer on both the Cameo and it's little sister - the Portrait.  Just use the code KINDERS

But, hurry, you need to act fast! This deal ends on March 8!

Click {HERE} to get the discount, and be sure to use the code KINDERS


  1. LOVE it!!! I just got my silhouette for Christmas and it is slowly transforming my classroom! I have a drop box as well but I have yet to vinyl it! Thanks for the inspiration! :)

  2. I am trying to resist, but with cute projects like yours, it's so hard!!!
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  3. That came out absolutely darling!! One of these days I'm going to cave and get one of these bad boys!

    ❤ -Stephanie
    Falling Into First

  4. I LOVE your drop box!!! I seem to have a drop desk and that is not really working out for me!

  5. Love the dropbox. My desk was temporary unavailable (piled with tech equipment and in the corner) awaiting he installation of a SmartBoard. Adults kept leaving things on it...what, you didn't get that pile of notices that had to go home today with your students, I left them on top of the cords on your desk.

  6. I absolutely LOVE your dropbox. Just put it on my every growing "to-do" list!

    Beg, Borrow, Steal

  7. I love the drop box too! I need to make one asap.... I also my Sihoutte! I hope you share more projects soon! :)
    From Kindergarten With Love
