
Vegas Teacher/Blogger Meet-Up!

Friends, I am SO very excited to be attending this years I Teach K Conference in Las Vegas, but I’m also SUPER excited to be one of the hosts of the Vegas Teacher/Blogger Meet-Up on July 10!

What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

Would you like to go?  Please RSVP to our meet-up {here}.
TeachersPayTeachers {Paul}
*Gift Certificates
Deedee Wills 
 *$25 gift certificate to cleverschoolteacher.com

Melonheadz Illustrating
*Gift Certificates

Blue Bird Gift Company
*{2} $25 gift certificates

Livy Lou Designs
*magnet board

Doodle Bugs Paper
*{3} $20 gift certificates

Erica Bohrer :)
*autographed book

*$50 gift card
*{50} $10 off coupons for teacher planners

Custom Vinyl By Design
Acrylic Tumbler - teacher themed

Kute Klipboards by Amy
teacher clipboard

In A Pikle
*1 Sweet Pikle

Steve Harpster
*1 of each of his books

Tricia Fogg {Scentsy}
*Scentsy Warmers

Shari Sloane

Katie and Company (Julie Torkelson)
*felt set

Quite a Pear (Jessica Falkenhagen)
*Gift Certificate
Janet Dickens
*31 All in one Organizer
Kathy Griffin
5 CDs {multimedia resources}

We have some pretty AMAZING sponsors and door prizes!!  Please take a minute to check out their websites and their great goodies!

PLEASE make sure that you go to our facebook page and RSVP, it will help us bunches with the amount of nametags, door prize slips, and so on!

Hope to see you there!


  1. I am really sad to be missing such a wonderful opportunity! I am thrilled to offer gift certificates to my stationery website!

    I can not wait to see pictures and read all about the conferences and especially the BLOG MEET UP!!!

    Have a wonderful time!!!

    1. Wish you could come Kacey!! Thanks for sponsoring it!! You will be there in spirit! :)

  2. Can I come to the meet up if I am not going to the conference? I live in Vegas, but am not attending the conference.

    1. Of course!! We won't have EXACT details of where it is at until closer to the event - we are meeting in one of the conference areas at the hotel. Stay tuned, and check the facebook page to get more details closer to the event!

  3. I am SO jealous!! I would love to go to the teacher conference, it looks fabulous. Meeting up with all the teacher bloggers would be amazing as well! Can't wait to see pictures and read about it!

    Kickin' it in Kinder

  4. I can't wait to see you, sweet friend! Can I put in an order for some chippers? :)

    1. I have a bag sitting here waiting for YOU! They have been on top of the fridge for MONTHS!!! Talk about self control ;) I need to get them in the MAIL to you!

  5. So very excited for the conference and meet up!!
    Little Minds at Work

  6. I am super excited to meet you in a few short weeks. I got all booked up for Vegas today. The hubs is even taggin' along. He can't wait for the meet up as well . . . YIKES . . . time all by his lonesome at the 21 tables!!!

    Kelley Dolling
    Teacher Idea Factory
