
May Song and a Mother’s Day Idea!

Sorry for the delay in posting! It’s been cah-razy around here!!

Here is the May song for you! Hope you like it!

May Calendar Song.pdf - Google Docs - Mozilla Firefox 592012 101713 PM.bmp

I also wanted to quickly share with you a super fun and easy mother’s day idea with you before it’s too late!


Aren’t they PRECIOUS!?!

These are actually mine :)  I had my girls make me some too so I could show you since we’re not done with them yet in class.

Here is what you need:

Shrinky Dinks Shrinkable Plastic - 8 x 10 inches - Set of 10

I LOVED Shrinky Dinks as a kid! My brother and I made all the pieces for a Christmas mobile one year! My mom hung it up every year for us.  I found my pack at Michaels. They are about $6 a pack.

You need a pretty good sized circle to start with – about 3 inches or so – I traced the lip of a styrofoam cup.  You could also use a big circle punch, but mine didn’t punch it out very well.

Cut out the circles and punch a hole in the top – you could do this after they have drawn their picture, but don’t forget! After you bake it, it’s too late to punch a hole. (Unless you use a dremel!)

Have your kiddos use a colored pencil to draw a picture of themselves and their mom.  I also used a sharpie marker to write their initals and the year on the back (the shiny side!)


Set your oven to 325.  Line a baking sheet with a piece of brown paper bag.  Set your pieces colored side up.  It goes super fast, so be ready!

Gather any children in your house to watch – they think it’s SUPER cool!


It only takes a minute or two.  They will shrink and curl up and then go flat.  Wait about 30 seconds after they get flat and take them out.  I used another cookie sheet and just pressed down on top of them for about a minute until they were cool.



Add a jump ring…


And some elastic cord and beads…. and voila!


Now, my kiddos at school certainly won’t be using these fancy beads! They are from my personal stash, and are a bit too spendy to use.  I have a TON of pony beads that I’ll let my kiddos use.  I don’t think their mom’s will mind! 

Hint:  When you tie your elastic cord, add a tiny drop of super glue to the knot to keep it tight!

I’ll be sure to post the finished product!  What fun crafty things are your kiddos making for the special lady in their lives?


  1. Wow! This is an awesome idea. I think we'll try this at home for Grammy. She will love it! Thank you for the inspiration!!

  2. Totally cute...we just posted some fun Mother's Day projects.

  3. Love that May song! And the bracelets are great. Thanks for the pictures. Renee

  4. Thank you! My students will be so excited. Hope the rest of the year goes well for you.


  5. I forgot about Shrinky Dinks! Childhood memories! So cute your girls peeking at their creations through the oven. What a special Mother's Day gift!

    Sprinkle Teaching Magic

  6. love them! My kids made flowers with a book about their moms :)

  7. Holy Cow! Those are the cutest things EVER! I love them!!
    Jen's Kinder Kids

  8. I. LOVE. What a great idea!! Thanks for sharing! Pinning for next year :)
    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  9. Hi there...thank you for this idea and such thorough instructions. I am going to try this next year if our local canadian michaels sells shrinky dink. I have never heard of it!!
    We made "treasure boxes" out of rainbow coloured popsicle sticks and they wrote love notes for their mom...I treasure you put inside. Some of their ideas were indeed treasures. Happy Mother's Day.

  10. I love the shrinky dinks bracelets and I am so grateful for your May poem! My kids love them! Happy Mother's Day!

  11. I like this!!! My daughter and I have to try this!

  12. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the May song! My K4's love it! Will you please, please continue to share your talents and do a song for June?! Thank you so much!

  13. I love this! My little sister and I can totally make this for my mom's birthday coming up :)As for the May song...its so cute

  14. Thanks for sharing this wonderful Mother's Day gift idea. You always have great ideas to share & I really appreciate it.

  15. These are SUPER cute!! I worked at Michaels all through college so when I see all of your crafty purchases/ideas with items from there it makes me chuckle a bit! LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!

  16. Love the bracelets! They are so cute! Just found and started following your blog! I am super excited to be returning to teaching kindergarten after 2 years of teaching 4th grade and I am super excited that I found your blog!

  17. Love them!! Those are the cutest things EVER. Thanks for sharing.
    Here are father's day songs:

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