
Mystery Person Part 2

I would love to hear from any of you that tried my “Mystery Person” idea!  Did it work?  Were your kiddos excited about it?  Nothing like a little bribery to keep them behaving right?  Helps us keep our sanity in these cold winter months!

Here is the picture as promised of my mystery person can:


This is my lucky duck can:


I secretly pick a name (or 2) from the lucky duck can and put in in the mystery person can.  They love that I am being sooo sneaky Winking smile

And the power pellets jar! I think I bought this little jar at Michael’s and just decorated it with a paint pen.  When I first introduced the power pellets, {which I found on What The Teacher Wants, by the way} I bought the fizzy Skittles.  The second time around I bought the double flavor kind.  Well, they could clearly see the “S” on the candy – I had to think fast before the magic was gone – so I just told them that they are “SUPER” power pellets.  Phew – that was a close one!


Another FAVORITE in my classroom are “HAPPY ROCKS”.  I love these, the kids love these, parents love these – every one loves these!  They are simple and inexpensive to make!  They are just vase filler rocks with a little smiley face drawn on with a paint pen! Parents {and kids Winking smile} love to collect these!


If you weren’t able to download the Mystery Person label the first time, let’s try again! Let me know if it doesn’t work!



  1. Help! I desperately need something like this and I haven't been able to print it. I keep getting a message that says something about not being able to scan it for viruses so my computer won't go past that. Could you email it to me? edoennig@diamondwildcats.org. Thank you!

    On a positive note, I LOVE the happy rocks! Now I know what I can do with all the ones I rescued from the trash at my brother's wedding! :)

  2. I am getting the same thing. Can you email to me...Tam118dans@gmail.com. I would also like the lucky duck one too.

  3. I couldn't download it either BUT I wanted to thank you for the idea! I used in on Friday and it worked like a charm! I didn't have the can so I just said I was going to pick some one and looked around the room really dramatically at each student. Then at the end of the period I announced who it was and since that person WAS behaving/participating the whole class got a smiley (our class behavior system.)

  4. Okay - I tried something different - hopefully it will work now!!

  5. I wasn't able to download this one. What a great idea, though! Can't wait to try it!

  6. I am so mad at myself, I just threw two of these containers away. I looked at them for a few minutes and tried to think of something I could use them for>:0( Oh well I will know next time. These look great thanks for sharing!

  7. Like MAGIC!


  8. Do you pass out the happy rocks when a student is caught being good? Do they take them home?
    I love the idea!

  9. I give the children happy rocks whenever I think it's necessary!! They do get to take them home and they LOVE them!

  10. Why are the rocks white on the bottom? Is it just the way the picture shows? Just curious. I can't buy paint pens so I am just using a permanent sharpie to put the faces on the flat side. It is working!!! When you live where I do you have to get really creative sometimes.

  11. Not all of the rocks are clear - some are frosted, and some are white.

  12. LOVE these ideas! Can you email me the lucky duck one? msteach13@hotmail.com

  13. I would love the lucky duck one as well. Karad78@gmail.com Thanks and have a great school year!

  14. please email me the lucky duck one. nangel1023@yahoo.com

  15. I'm a little late but could you email me the lucky duck too! Mrshemphill@yahoo.com

  16. Sorry friends, I don't have the document for the lucky duck can anymore. I just used some DJ clip art and printed it out. I never saved it. Sorry!

  17. thank you so much for sharing! LOVE the mystery person!!

  18. Can't wait to try this!!! Can you email me I having trouble downloading? aprilbarnes02@gmail.com

  19. Please email me both lucky duck and mystery person! Thank you so much. Great ideas marciniu@hotmail.com

  20. Could you email me how you use both the mystery person and lucky duck? betsypatrick@hotmail.com thanks love what your ideas!

  21. Please e*mail me the patterns. I could not download them.

  22. Can you please email me the mystery person label? i couldn't open either one. Thanks! bfabry@verizon.net..how i do i follow your blog?

  23. I love this idea!!! I am a mentor to three new teachers and we are excited to try it out! Unfortunately I can't get it to download. Would you be able to email it to me?


    Thanks so much!!!

  24. Will you please email the Mystery Person label to me? ImDeeMom@msn.com I can't get it to print. Thanks.

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  26. Anything to encourage positive behavior is great. Would love more info on the lucky duck and the mystery person programs. Hope you are enjoying your summer.

  27. Is this something you did everyday?

  28. Hi, this is a fantastic idea. Thank you! Really looking forward to trying it in my class. However, I was not able to access it as well. Can you please email me both labels (mystery person and lucky duck). My address is Casanga75@gmail.com
