
I’m back and President’s

Thursday was my first day back at school, although I wasn’t back “officially.”  We had our spring goal setting conferences, and I wanted to be there for those – no fun having to make up so many conferences.  It was super fun seeing my kiddos on Thursday evening and Friday afternoon, although, I will admit, I am EXHAUSTED! 

My sweet sub and my kiddos made this for me:


That totally made me smile when I came down the hallway.  I am very excited to be back with them on Monday, I just hope I can remember how to do it all! It feels like I have first day of school jitters!  I’ve never been gone from school for so long – my babies were either born when I was not teaching or on summer break (LUCKY!). 

Coming back from being gone so long, I have to admit, is just as much work as planning to be gone!  I spent a couple of hours after our conferences on Friday afternoon trying to put away center activities, file papers, and just clean up.  I’m still not done.  Sadly, I’m going to have to go back to school tomorrow to clean up the bigger mess that I made!!

But, I did get my centers in the drawers for next week.  Here’s what is on the agenda for President’s Week:


Alphabet sequencing


More blends practice


CVC Words


Sight Words – oops wrong cards in there!  This is a write the room activity, and I must have prepped an extra center that I don’t need!




Counting and ten frames




Sequencing and counting by 10s

It’s a short week for us this week, we do have school on President’s Day, but we have half a day on Thursday and no school on Friday for staff PD, so I only have 4 of each center planned. If you’re interested in this unit, you can find it {here}.  I also have some items that I posted last year for President’s day – you can find those {here}. I’ll be back later in the week with the other activities I am planning on. (PS – when you go to last year’s post, just click on the picture, there is no preview within google docs, so just click on the “download” button.)


  1. Welcome back to school! I hope you're feeling better.


    www.sprinklestokindergarten.blogspot.com :)

  2. The activities in the unit look great! I will have to grab that for next year (must spend all day tomorrow at a dance competition--no time for new plans at this point!)

    I hope your healing is progressing. I'll be praying for you this week, as you go back to the classroom.
    :-) ReadWriteSing

  3. Love these centers~ I'm on my way to tpt now :)

    Color Me Kinder

  4. Must seem good to be back in the saddle. Welcome back!

  5. Have a great "relaxing" week back, Kathleen. So glad to hear that you are feeling better and ready to dive back into your kinders! Your President's Day things look awesome!

  6. Three Cheers for Kathleen! Glad you are back. I know how I feel after being gone for a few days from my kiddos. I have a question about your patriotic unit Three Cheers for the Red, White and Blue. I purchased it and have been looking through it this weekend. I realized that none of the recording sheets have directions on them. Some of the activities I could not figure out what to do until I saw some of the pictures posted on your blog. Any thoughts about this? I can't wait to use these during the next couple weeks but want to be clear on your purpose. Thanks again for sharing and ALL you do!!
    SMiles and hugs,
    Kim Schneider

    1. Hi Kim - that's really strange - there are instructions on the recording sheets, I promise! Maybe your PDF viewer needs to be updated? Try doing that and then re-download. I'll send you an e-mail too....

  7. Purchased and made most of your workstations--LOVE how easy they were to make. Run, laminate, and cut. I have a question about the Race to Washington--is this simply a spell one word by each picture? Some have 5 blank squares but most words are 3 letters so I'm just wondering. Thanks for helping me improve my teaching

  8. The kids will write one word in each box :) LOTS of great practice! They'll have fun with it, my kiddos did!!

  9. Hi Im a kindergarten bilingual teacher and love your ideas please follow me at http://maestranieves.blogspot.com

  10. I have been searching everywhere for "political" or "president" based centers/activities to build into our school theme this year! This is PERFECT to add to my collection. Thank you so much or posting!
