
Lovin’ to Learn!

Valentine’s day is right around the corner! I’m so sad that I don’t get to be at school for VDay – it’s one of my favorite times of year! I do a lot with friendship and how to be a good friend – about this time of the year, we NEED it! We’ve been lucky with the winter this year, but often, we have spent the whole month of January inside and the kiddles start to really get on each others nerves!  I’ll post more freebies soon, because I love you all so much, and you make me so happy with your kind comments – they really do make my day!  Here are a couple to start off with:


I uploaded my new Valentine pack last night if you are interested.  It’s FULL of fun lovey dovey activities.  22 in all! Wowza!

vday cover1234567896collage7896newvday collage23456789newvdaycollage456789

Have a great weekend!!


  1. Your Valentine's Day unit looks super cute! :)

    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  2. This is fabulous! Thank you oodles! I am sorry you won't be at school - bummers. I know your kiddos must be missing you. I hop you are feeling a little better.


  3. HOLY COW!!!! Those V-day centers look amazing!!!!!!!!

  4. Your Valentines day unit is sooo cute!! I was wondering if you would be having a sale at your tpt store anytime soon?? There are so many cute things in your store I just can't decide which to get!! Thanks for all of your great ideas and hard work!!

  5. OH, thank you so much for the darling alphabet and the spin and write activity! My kids will love them. I sure appreciate all the things you do for fellow bloggers. Hope you're feeling better and will get back to school soon.

  6. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the looks of this. Now I wish I hadn't just made so much from your Bundle Up unit! Guess I'll be saving that for next year. Gotta get my printer more ink so I can print this all out!!! THANK YOU!!!

  7. Another great unit. Thanks for shaing.


  8. I was wondering if you could clarify the directions on the rhyming activity in your new valentine unit.......Thank you!

    1. I answered your question at TpT -- does it make sense now?

  9. This looks great! I just started blogging and found your blog. It's great!

  10. I love all of your stuff! One of my co-workers asked where I was getting my cute stuff for workstations and I told her about TpT. She went on that night and purchased a bunch of stuff. The next day she was showing all of her loot and she had a bunch of stuff from you!

    ✪ Miss W

    Miss W Teaches

  11. Thanks for sharing. I needed some alphabet cards to do some activities I saw on Fran Kramer's presentation at the Kindergarten Expo! These are super cute.

  12. I love your stuff! Could you tell me how to purchase it? I just stumbled upon your blog and I'm not sure how it works. Thank you!

  13. I am loving all of your adorable things! I'm hoping to win the new contest! From, Christine

  14. Wow! These look GREAT! I am now following your wonderful blog. I saw that several of your Valentine's items were included in the giveaway through Deanna Jump's blog! I hope I am one of the winners!
    Thank you, Tracey
