
I forgot What I was Going to Say…

Literally. I forgot.  I can’t remember what I was going to post about! Shoot.  Maybe my brain is focusing on the fact that there might be a slight possibility of a _ _ _ _ day tomorrow.  Can’t say the word though because that would jinx it. They’re forecasting up to a foot of that white stuff, people.  ugh.

But, anyways – have you loaded up your shopping cart at TpT yet?  What ‘cha got in it?  There’s a big sale tomorrow – it only comes once every 4 years! *wink*


I’ll have everything in my store 20% off too. Just click on the picture above to take you there.

(Make sure you add that Promo code in – for a 28% total discount!)

Leave a comment below and let me know what’s on your wish list!

PS.  I’m ALMOST finished with the March song. I just need to sing it a couple hundred more times to make sure it sounds right!


  1. You are so funny! Fingers crossed for a _ _ _ _ day for you tomorrow! We're getting a bunch of snow too but it's a total waste...I'm on Feb. break, waaa!
    Kristen ;)

  2. I have been reading your blog for awhile now but this weekend I decided to go all the way to the beginning and read EVERYTHING!! I just couldn't stand to miss a single thing! I love all of your ideas and you are truly an inspiration! I have purchased a few things from you but, what's on my wish list....? I WANT IT ALL!! :) Thanks for all of your hardwork! I have gotten so many ideas from you! I have wanted to comment many times as I am reading but I just figured out how to do it! Expect to see a whole lot more from me! Thanks again!!

  3. Ohhhh thank goodness that you are having a sale! My wish list has been piling up with things I need/want to buy from you. I was almost considering a road trip from California to Arizona to try and win the basket at Asher's auction because I want EVERYTHING you have made. Sidenote :: Boyfriend and I have been trying to save and talking about needs vs wants -- he cannot understand that these are NEEDS. I NEED these activities to help my little ones learn and stay focused! lol. So here are my needs from you tomorrow....
    1. Zero the Hero Extension Pack
    2. Fun with Numbers Part 2
    3. Lovin' to Learn
    4. 3 Cheers for the Red, White, and Blue
    5. I Can Learn, Can You?
    6. Bundle Up!
    7. Snowmen!

    I am curious to know what is on YOUR wishlist?? Crossing my fingers that you get a _ _ _ _ day! We don't get ANY of those in CA. :(

    A Day in the Life of a classroom Teacher

  4. Kathleen,
    We're supposed to get some of that white stuff too but as a sub I'm praying it won't be too much! Haha
    Have a great Wednesday no matter the weather!

  5. LOVE IT!

    Good luck w/ the _ _ _ _ day!! I hope that it comes around! We are getting a REALLY real spring rain storm. seems random in February (however, I am glad its not ice!) Enjoy the white stuff!!


  6. I have almost $90 worth of stuff in my cart & I am MEGA EXCITED for this sale. I am excited to purchase more of your items, since my kiddos LOVE your activities! Thank- you so much for all your hard work & for being such a HUGE inspiration to me :)

    Color Me Kinder

  7. Maybe you were going to post the March Calendar pages :) Also looking forward to your wonderful creations.

  8. Love all of your packets, thanks for the sale. Just one question--will you be posting a March calendar song? My kinders just love your calendar songs, thanks for sharing.
