

Have you seen this new product from Lakeshore?


I ordered this when they had a buy one get one half sale! I absolutely could not resist! Who doesn’t LOVE Plinko?! 

It’s not very big, but big enough, it won’t take up too much space on a table.  My 5 year old (starts K next year!) had a blast playing with it!  It comes with a little drawstring bag that you put the wooden chips in – it comes with a TON of chips!

I haven’t been able to use this in the classroom yet, but I can’t wait.  I think it’ll be a great time filler or even an incentive.  The kiddos choose a wooden chip from the bag and drop it down – it’ll go in one of the pockets and they either need to say the beginning sound, the ending sound, or a word that rhymes.


I also ordered these:


I have the first set with beginning, middle and ending sounds, but needed this one!

What is your favorite Lakeshore product?


  1. I love the playdough stampers form lakeshore. I have the upper and the lower case and also the numbers. Hope you feel better soon. I am home recovering from surgery as well. Have a good night, from, Julie

    1. I have just the lowercase ones, but think I for sure need to get the numbers!

  2. I love everything Lakeshore!

    i love the rhyming houses! and I definitely NEED Plinko!! how cool is that?!?

    Ms. Rachel’s Room

  3. I love my alphabet tubs and blends and digraphs tubs! I hope you feel better soon. :)



    1. Ooooh, I love these too!! They are great for whole group and centers!

  4. I am laid off this year, so I haven't shopped at Lakeshore in awhile! But I have to say I am in love with the Plinko game! I think it will be a must buy when I get back in the classroom!


  5. I have the beg, middle, end stamps as well, but not sure how to use them with my class. Any ideas or suggestions on how to use them? Thanks!

    1. I use them in centers -- I make up a sheet with some cute clip art on it and boxes for where the stamps go. (I measure the stamps!) They choose a stamp and stamp it! They just write in the blend then. Super fun, super easy! They never tired of it! I start off the year with set 1, and now I can move onto set 2!

  6. I want those stamps!! I have the beginning, middle & ending sound stamps, too. These look more appropriate for this time of year at the Stamp Center! I will have TWO five year olds going to Kdg next year! Crazy how time flies... Hope you're feeling better soon. :)

  7. Oh em gee, whaaat?! Plinko!?? I need one of those!!

    A Cupcake for the Teacher

  8. I love Lakeshore! I have gotten myself hooked on their Interactive CD Rom games this year! I used Donor's Choose to help us and someone bought me the entire Tic Tac Toe set. My students are loving it and it's a great way to review phonics, grammar and vocabulary!

  9. Oh I agree!! I am hooked on their interactive games also. I picked up a few last year and my students loved them. So of course I needed to add a few more to my collection. I picked up 10 more this year! Love it when they have a buy one get one half off sale!!!
