
Sept 23-27 Lesson Plans

Ahh friends.  Life has been CRAZY.  My dad has been ill and in the hospital, my daughter’s are so busy with school, soccer, and dance. And I have been S.I.C.K.  I can’t seem to get better.  This virus/gunk/cold/whateveritis has hung around for a good 3 1/2 weeks!  Is it too early to say I’m looking forward to Christmas break?!

This weekend, I did manage to break away for a *tiny* bit of fun (in between soccer, haircuts, dance and school work) with my daughter.



So, here is what my week looks like.  I may not get to everything – I tend to over plan a bit!  Click {here} to download a PDF of the plans so you can click on the images to go directly to the source.

Some of you might notice, I changed my literacy and math center rotations *again.*  I TRIED to do a daily 3 type rotation, and it was simply stressing me out.  It didn’t work for me.  So, I went back to my old, tried and true schedule! However, with 25 kiddos, I needed to break down my groups.  So, I have 8 centers that will go over 2 weeks.


Have a great week!


  1. Hi Katheen!
    Please take care of your self! Its too early to be sick! Again, I appreicate the time you take to display your plans and the wodnerful activities!
    Take care!

  2. Hi - first, you better make sure it is not a sinus infection! If you have already blogged this - I apologize - I am curious how you implement your morning message? I am assuming it is not completely independent, because of the reading component of the word problem.

  3. Hi- thanks for all your posts! As a first year teacher you are really helping me out and guiding me to great ideas for my own classroom. I have questions on the Daily news section though, how do you do each component, does each child write this or is it just posted in the room? I like this idea and would love some feedback on how you go about it. If you get a chance I am very interested! Thanks!!!
    Feel better,

  4. Hi- I am right there with you on the illness part. I can't seem to shake it and my little girl has also had it. Ugh! I've been home since Tuesday and will be out tomorrow as well. I went to the doctor yesterday and they want me to stay home for the remainder of the week. It's just a bad cold and I have to let my body rest. Not like that's easy to do with a toddler and being a teacher. I hope you feel better soon.

    The Teacher's Backpack
