
Lesson Plans – September 4-6


Okay, here goes!  Here are my plans for this week.  They are not “visual” plans and there are no links on them this time around.  I didn’t have the time this week to add links.  I hope that I will be able to eventually, but I’m not making any promises!  If you want to check out lots of great “visual” plans, check out Mrs. Wills Blog

They are still a work in progress as I try out a few things this week.  I think I play with my schedule every week the first few weeks of school.  I’m *hoping* this one sticks!  I just changed my game plan today after visiting with a friend at our district PD, so we’ll see how it goes! Wish me luck!

Just click the image to download the plans!




  1. Looking good! I also had a PD! Why can't we just have one extra day before the first?! Good luck tomorrow on your first day!

    Alexis from Laugh, Eat & Learn

  2. Hi Alexis -- Not my first day tomorrow :) We've been going strong for 8 days! Good luck on day 1 for YOU though!

  3. I like your schedule layout. This is my second year in Kindergarten and always have a hard time fitting everything in! Your layout helped me figure out how to put all my lessons into the day! I am hoping this millionth change sticks :)!

  4. Curious what program you use to make your plans? Thanks!
