
Lesson Plans–September 9-13

Here we go! It’s our first official 5 day week.  We were *supposed* to have a full week, but we closed school early because of extreme temperatures in our classroom.  It’s no fun teaching (and it’s not safe!) when you’re classroom is hovering around the 90 degree mark!

So…this week is it. I posted last week about my literacy center rotations.  Well….after reading Marsha’s post about her rotations, I changed it again.  I do have some help in my room for literacy rotations, and I wanted to truly take advantage of that.  We will give it a go this week and see it we can make it work!

You can download a PDF of my plans by clicking {here} or on any of the images!


Have a great week!

PS – Want to see more great plans? Click below!


  1. Ohmygosh! I have never heard of having to close because of high heat! That's awful! I'll send you some cool weather and you can share the sun, deal? Have a great week ;)

  2. Love your plan set-up sheets! Are they available for download for personal use?

  3. I love your lesson plan set up. Can you share what program you use?
