

Do you portfolio?  {I wrote a post about portfolios last year too.  You can read it here.}

This year, I had the kids do the portfolios a little bit different.  Instead of only giving them a page at a time to complete (which can be an absolute beast to get organized at the end of the school year if you don’t keep up on filing!), I put all of the pages inside of their three ring binder.  This worked out PERFECTLY.  The portfolios were ready to go at the end of the year, and I only needed to add monthly writing samples from their journals. (Which I am working on – they should be ready to upload to TpT by the end of the week!).

I didn’t have time to snap many pictures – (I’m sorry!), but here are two!

I put any extras – like their memory books and other writing samples in the pockets.


Everything is in chronological order starting with September.  They fill in a calendar page, an alphabet page, and a number page.  At the end I also include a few writing samples.  It’s so fun to look through all of the pages and see how much they have grown.


On the last day, we had our Parents, Pirates, and Portfolio day.  Parents came in, we watched the slide show, cried a little bit, paged through their portfolio’s and said good-bye for the year.

This year, I found this book in the Scholastic book orders and included that with a copy of the slideshow.

Many of my kinders I won’t see next year since their families are being transferred to a different air force base.  It’s bittersweet, but I am glad they have a little piece of Kindergarten to take with them!


  1. Love how you organized them. So much easier. I'm filing all the stuff now. UGH!

    1. That's what I have always done in the past because I didn't think kinder kids could handle the binders. They were VERY respectful of them all year, and did a very nice job! Of course I had a few babies that did the wrong page/month, but I always had extra pages ready to go! :)

  2. The portfolios look great! Yeah - I've been there at the end of the year organizing pages. This is a better idea, for sure! Renee

  3. I love this idea! Putting the pages in the binder is perfect. I look forward to using the pages next year!

  4. I love that book! I read it to my class every year. On the last full day of school I close our door and we gather in a circle and I read the book and then I tell the class why I'm so proud of them. I also tell each child one thing that I'm proud of them for. It's the last moments we spend together because after I read the book we have our end of the year program and classroom celebration. It's one of my favorite times of the year!

    I hope you'll check out my new blog!

    Smedley's Smorgasboard of Kindergarten

  5. Looks Fabulous!! I love the pages but as a PreK Teacher I wouldn't use all the same ones. Would you mind if I create my own (although they won't come out quite as cute)?

    1. I am working on updating the pack right now! What skills would you like included for pre-k kiddos?? Maybe some alphabet/number tracing? Self-portraits still....

  6. Hi Kathleen,
    First and foremost... I love your blog! I am a frequent visitor!!
    I have a question... I burn a DVD for my students every year but it is not fun... I am up LATE each year trying to get it to burn right and blah, blah... What kind of slideshow do you make?? Is it something the parents can print pictures from?
    Thanks so much!

    1. Awwww....the slide show! I wasn't going to do it this year, but then I felt guilty....I've used different programs...iMovie, Animoto - this year, I used Smilebox - never used it before, but it was super easy! Easy is key at this time of the year! Parents can't print out pictures, but I've never had a complaint - I think they are just appreciative to get anything! The burning process only takes about an hour for me -- I THINK it's probably because of our computer. My hubby is a programmer and we have a certain type of hard drive that is VERY fast -- I can't remember what it's called - multi layer something or other. I have no clue - he is the techy! Maybe if you are organized enough you could get a parent volunteer or two to do the burning for you????

    2. Not that to jump into someone else's conversation but I have found that I HAVE TO put a "cut" date for the last event. Somtimes it means that I dont include Track & Field, yes I feel guilty but then I am less likely to have the late night burns going. I also work on my laptop though imovie exported to iDVD and I take it to school w/ me burning as I see the DVD popped out! It makes the time go FASTER between burns. Deadlines is my biggest deal b/c I WANT to include every last minute!


      Thanks for letting me jump in! ;D

  7. Kathleen~
    I love this idea for the portfolios! So much easier to manage! Thanks for the info.

    Jen's Kinder Kids
    Please come by & visit!

  8. Love how well organized it is!! I've been busy all week filing my things for each student and it takes SOOO long!!! This is definitely something to keep in mind for next year!!

    1...2...3...Teach With Me

  9. I love the organization that you used for your portfolios!

  10. Hi there, we use portfolios at our school but they are purely for assessments they are not anywhere as cute as yours! We use colored manila folders, one for each subject. We are required to update them through out the year (administration checks them!) so by the end it's not a mad dash to get work in their. I've already sent home mine but we keep the portfolios of the students we retain in kindergarten. I'm planning on posting about them next week, stop by and take a look. I'd love to incorporate your ideas into my portfolios!

  11. Wow awesome!You have present such a great talent here keep it up..I love your input..

  12. How do I find this on teachers pay teachers? Where is the link?

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