
The Behavior Code

About a month ago, I was listing to a rebroadcast on Doctor’s Radio (Sirius/XM), and they were discussing challenging children/students.  It was late at night, and my family was on a four hour roadtrip.  The kids were sleeping, and my poor hubby was forced to endure the broadcast.

However, the broadcast and book intrigued me. It was written by a behavioral analyst and a child psychologist. We all have had challenging students. Some are students that we can “handle” are some are students that make us pull our hair out and gain 10 pounds, right?! Maybe this book will answer some of our questions and give us some insights into why some children behave the way they do and give us some possible solutions for the behaviors.

As soon as I got home, I ordered the book and added it to my ever growing summer reading list.  I would love to hear if any of you have read this book! 


  1. I have not heard of this book, but I am now interested in looking it up! My summer reading list is growing too! :)

  2. I haven't heard of this either, but it sounds very intriguing! Sounds like another must read. :)

    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  3. I haven't heard of this book either, but plan to check it out. Each school year I seem to get more and more challenging students. Maybe this book could help me better understand these students.

  4. This does sound like a must-read for all teachers and some parents. Thanks for sharing it, Renee

  5. I already ordered it and several of us teachers are going to pass it around this summer to read! Can't wait, thanks for the suggestion!
