
I’m a Shopping Fool!

Especially when it comes to great teaching products! I’m linking up with Erica’s linky party to share some of the goodies that I have purchased over the last couple of days. 

I love finding great teaching resources that really help me out in the classroom, and my kinder friends never disappoint!

Here are some of the goodies that I am excited to tell you about (and use – if not this year, then next!)

I love Kim Adsit’s: What Can You Play With A Deck of Cards.  There are lots of great activities any here for math games – these will be great for the end of the year wiggles!

AVPageView 582012 121012 AM.bmp 

I’ve had lots of birthday in my classroom over the last couple of weeks, and my birthday bag is looking a bit “blah.”  I was excited to find this fun Birthday Take-Home Pack pick me up from Erica Bohrer.

Birthday Take Home Pack.pdf - Google Docs - Mozilla Firefox 582012 121546 AM.bmp and I’m also going to add a fun tooth tote to my take home bags next year!  This Lost Tooth Club pack is adorable! (also from Erica!)

TheLostToothClubTakeHomeBagPacket.pdf - Google Docs - Mozilla Firefox 582012 122013 AM.bmp

And of course, I am a big fan of Deedee’s Writing Work Stations.  The kiddos LOVE these!

Writing Work Stations May.pdf - Google Docs - Mozilla Firefox 582012 121911 AM.bmp

Oh, my cart is still full. I need to stop! Here are a couple of  other things that are in my cart!

Deanna Jump’s Pete the Cat Activities

I’m loading up on all of Abby’s Short Vowel Word Work Packs!

Ahhh! I might need an intervention!I love that Teachers Pay Teachers makes it so easy to implement QUALITY and FUN into teaching!  Now, I need to GO.TO.BED!  I’ll try to be back with more goodies soon.

And, YES. The May song is coming! I Promise! (and journals too!)


  1. Thanks for the product shout outs! I hope you enjoy using them in your classroom.

  2. Love this linky party and seeing what everyone snatched up!!


    Jessica Stanford
    Mrs. Stanford's Class Blog
    My TpT Store

  3. I just purchased your fix it up sentences! Even though I missed the sale, these are totally worth EVERY penny:) ADORABLE!! Thank you!
