

Do you do portfolios for your kiddos?  Man, they are a lot of work, but they are SO worth it in the end!

Every year, I invite the children’s families in for our “Celebration of Learning.”  The children sing some songs that we sang throughout the year, sometimes we show them our calendar time and look through their art portfolios.  This year we sang, Will.I.Am’s What I Am.  Have you heard that song? Oh my.  I had to stop singing with the kids many times to hold back the tears!!  I was so amazed and proud of who they had become and all of their accomplishments!

I take a lot of pictures throughout the year, and I always do a slide show of the kids.  I made a DVD for each one of them to bring home as well.  Being on an Air Force Base, many of my students leave after being at our school for only 1 or 2 years.  This year, I had to say good-bye to at least 5 of my kiddos. Sad Sad smile.

On to their portfolios the most important part of the day! Throughout the year, I collect samples of work: monthly calendar pages, number writing, letter writing, self-portraits, and of course, writing samples.  I also stuff in (literally!) any other special books or activities that we do throughout the year.  I managed to snap a few photos of some of their work:

I have put together some of my favorite pieces to put in their portfolios each month.  If you are interested, you can check it out here. {Note, the sheets shown in the pictures are not the same as in the pack, the ones in the pack are much cuter! Winking smile}

I LOVE seeing the growth in their self-portraits throughout the year! So fun! (Notice the high heels and eye shadow in the last picture – love the details!)



This little lady came in knowing NO letters or sounds and just a few numbers.  She left Kindergarten reading above the first grade benchmark! Wowza!


How do you celebrate success in your classroom?

Here is the Will.I.Am video – LOVE IT!


  1. I guess you could call what we do a portfolio. We hang up their writing/art work on a publishing wall in the room. Most of the pages are sentence stems that they have to finish about what ever theme or special day we are celebrating. Each time we do one we add it to the top of the collection. At the end of the year we add a cover and bind them for the kids to take home. This year I was down to the last minute to get them done to send home...the dreaded laminator broke so I couldn't get the covers done. We also do student data folders that show how they have grown through the year.

  2. I cant find that song on iTunes. Where did you find it?

  3. I am SO glad you blogged about this!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I haven't done portfolios with my little guys yet. Just yesterday I was looking at a book called "Primarily Portfolios" and thinking about starting them for next year. But then I was thinking... what is the point? What am I going to DO with them? Well, have a learning celebration and invite guests of course! What a novel idea. Love it! I will be using this next year!!!!!!! :)
    Thanks for sharing!
    Teaching Happily Ever After

  4. Love this! I took about 1000 pictures this year and made a DVD for each of my students. Instead of a Celebration of Work, we have an Author's Tea the last week of school. The parent's come, enjoy tea and cookies, and each student reads one of their "published" stories (meaing I type them up on cardstock after they write the story and they do the illustrations again, and then I bind them). It is so much fun!

    Where do you get your calendar worksheets, or do you make them? I love them!!

    <>< Crystal

  5. Thank you for posting about this. I keep all of their writing and create a book, but I have not jump into the full portfolio. You have inspired me! Thank you... Didn't know you taught on a military base... There are many layers to you!

    Mrs. Wills Kindergarten

  6. I never heard that song before!! I have listened to it at least 10 times!! Do you know if there is an mp3 download anywhere? I would love to use it in my K graduation slideshow. This year I am also adding video clips of the kiddos saying their favorite things from the year!

    I always do a memory book with my students for the end of the year. I have tried to start a portfolio, but it always fizzles out by December! I need to get on track because yours looks great!!


    What happens in kindergarten... lasts a lifetime

  7. Sooo funny that you posted this!!! I have always done self portraits each month and this year, making a portfolio was on the top of my priority list!!! I have been working on it since school has been out and hoping to have it done by the end of the week:) I just reached 100 followers~so, I'm going to be giving a copy away soon:)I posted a couple of sneak peak images on my blog=) But, I LOVE♥ your idea of having a learning celebration!!!
    thanks for sharing!!!
    Little Warriors

  8. Oh my! What a song! I am of course tearing up. I am sending it to my principal who makes an end of the year picture slideshow with inspirational music.

  9. I just love this idea of portfolio! At my daycare, the kids have a scrapbook in wich I glue their work and pictures. However I like your idea much more! Will be passing by your store!

  10. I love this song!! I will have to make it into a big book!

  11. Thank you, I love the song Will I Am and will definitely use it for my dvd's this year. We have just started a project at our school. My k partner and myself are doing electronic portfolios for math this year. The grade seven big buddies will help with music and transitions for the slides. I also do a paper memory book for literacy, field trips and theme days scrapbook style.

  12. I forgot to mention that we are blogging about our learning journey. Here is my address;


    Liz Mccaw
