August Calendar Song

Here you go friends! Enjoy!  The end is kind of dorky, but the kids will love it, right?!?!


I also wanted to share this picture from Debra Truster. She homeschools her children, and made my Daily Calendar Kit magnetic and put it on an oil drip pan! How smart it that?!

It looks adorable too!

magnet board

My pieces are all cut and laminated I just need to get into my classroom to get it hung up!

If you’re interested in my Daily Calendar Bundle, click {here!}


  1. That pan is sooo cute!! :) Great idea!

    My firsties would love the "yo!" We were doing Heidi's "fight" song today and I told them to strike a "cool" pose at the end and they had a great time. ;)

  2. I love your calendar bundle! I like the new August song. Are you redoing all of the months? I have printed September already but I couldn't find October or November! I am trying to get a head start.


  3. Hi Kathleen,

    I started using your calendar songs last year. The kids love them. Thank you for the one for August.

    First Grade Schoolhouse

  4. I love the August song and I am sure the kids will love it too! I used all of your months of the year songs last year to enhance my calendar notebook and they really helped the kids learn how to spell all of the months, plus they just loved singing them for fun. Thanks for your ever helpful posts!

  5. I am so excited to see your calendar up! I am working on putting your calendar up in my room this week! I can't wait to use your awesome resource!

  6. Love all of your songs!!! Thank you so much for sharing!


  7. Do you plan on adding the blank calendars for 2012-2013? Or are they just in your new calendar bundle?


  8. Do you plan on adding the blank 2012-2013 calendars that could be editable? I like to start my students out with all the numbers to trace over and gradually remove some so that by the end of the school year the students are writing all the numbers on their own.
    Thank you!
    P.S. I am just now learning about blogs (I know - where have I been!?!) I love your site!!!

  9. Thanks for the song! It will be great for the beginning of the year. PS-I am a new follower! Come visit my blog.

    Mrs. Wheeler’s First Grade
    Mrs. Wheeler TpT

  10. You mentioned that you do most of your calendar on your IWB. Did you make the file yourself? I love your calendars, and would be greatful if you'd share your matching file!!

  11. Is there a December calendar song? I can't find it anywyere.
