
Hot Chocolate!

So, last week I had surgery.  It was supposed to be a somewhat small surgery, but turned into a pretty big surgery. I have been home on sick leave for about a week now, and am still not feeling very great.  I think I have about 3 weeks to go. ugh.  That means 2 more weeks of sub plans I need to write! I have a long road of healing in front of me. 

I’ve been trying to finish up my penguin unit today, I only had a couple of things left to do before I had my surgery, and I’ve been trying for the last couple of days to do tiny bits of it, so I could get it out.  I’m going to try to post it in the next few minutes, before I fall asleep Smile

The week after break, we did our hot chocolate unit.  Now, I can only hope that my sub finished it for me!  I only got a few pictures snapped of our math centers since I was only in school for 2 days.

The kiddos LOVED this center!  I had a bag of very stale marshmallows – it’s better if they’re hard!  They scooped some out, counted them, and tallied the number.  SO fun!


This was super fun too!  The children rolled the die, and colored in the corresponding number of pennies.  When they rolled a total of 10 pennies, they colored in a dime.  The first one to get to the last dime was the winner.  They were sure competitive!


We’re still practicing counting 1:1, counting up to the teens and remembering what that tricky teen looks like!


And of course, practicing patterns!


I don’t think I have any pictures of our literacy centers, if I find them on my camera, I’ll post them too!

Ugh, I think I need to go lay down now!


  1. Take care of yourself! I hope you feel better soon!

  2. Hope you are feeling better very soon. I bet your class misses you so much.

  3. HI Kathleen,
    I had thumb/wrist surgery 2 years ago and missed 9 weeks... I highly recommend going back for 1/2 day for a week.. the class moved on without you and you will have piles of stuff waiting for you. After half a day of teaching, you will be exhausted and ready for a nap. After your 1/2 day, you will be more ready to handle a full day of school. Take care of yourself!

  4. Feel better!! I was wondering what all you do with hot chocolate besides the ideas for centers? Thanks!


  5. Get better! Make sure you take it slow and heal!It will all be there when you return... well!

  6. Hoping for a speedy recovery! Get better soon! Your center stuff looks great. I agree with the stale marshmallows!!

  7. Hope you feel better soon!! I am currently using your Hot Chocolate unit and I absolutely love it!!!!! Everything I have purchased from you has been so meaningful and simple to implement!!! Thanks for sharing your talents with us!!! Take care!!

  8. I really like your money game. I think that can even work with my 2nd graders.
    Hope you are feeling better and have a quick recovery!


  9. Wishing you a speedy recovery. Hope you are feeling better soon. Your centers look great!

  10. Take Care and I hope you feel better.

    :) Sue

    PS i love the hot chocolate activities.

  11. Glad to hear that you are home, sad to hear that you are not feeling the best yet! LOVE your unit!! My students are having fun with it!! You create the BEST units!!

    Rest & I hope you are feeling a little better each day!!

  12. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
    The hot choc activities look great...I'm heading to TpT now....

  13. I'm sorry to hear about your surgery. I hope you're feeling better soon. :) Just saw you posted your penguins unit- can't wait to check it out!!

  14. You are absolutely amazing! Thank you for sharing all your fabulous creativity! I hope you recover well! How do you do it all? No really, how do you find time even when you are feeling well? Thanks for helping out the rest of us!

  15. I hope you feel better! My kids are also in LOVE with your hot chocolate unit and I just purchased your penguin! So excited!

  16. Please take care of yourself and hope you recover quickly!


  17. Hope you are feeling better soon. Thank you for all the amazing ideas. Where did you find those fantabulous clear pocket dice I keep seeing in your pictures? Thanks!

  18. Hope you get to feeling better soon. Thanks so much for sharing. I know your friends will be glad for you to come back!

  19. Oh no, I hope you have a speedy recovery and begin felling better soon! I am with Teacher Andrea {previous comment} - how do you do it all? Thanks for all of your wonderful ideas and sharing with us!
    Ms. Solano's Kindergarten

  20. Hi, Do you sell your materials? I love the penguins and cocoa units. Fabulous worksheets. Please let me know where I can get them before January is over. Hopefully you are feeling a little better.

  21. Just downloaded this unit. Love it!!! Hope you are back on your feet VERY soon.

    Mrs. Bailey’s Kindergarten

  22. I know this was a while ago, but do you have these for printing? I would love to have them!!

    PS feel free to send me work sheets on anything any time.
