
Groundhog’s Fun!

So that was fun, wasn’t it?!

Here are the answers to my questions:

Groundhogs are one of the few animals that really HIBERNATE.

Groundhogs WHISTLE when they are courting.

A baby groundhog is called a KIT or a CUB.

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?  (seriously!) 700 POUNDS

So many of you took me up on my little challenge, I love it and I love all of you!!

So, I decided to make you ALL something!


I love making these little non-fiction books.  There are a couple of extras at the end too, I just couldn’t help myself.  I probably could have worked all night, but sometimes a girl just has to stop, right?!  So, as a thank-you click on the picture to download!

If you were one of the first 5 with the answers that I have above, expect an e-mail very soon!

Mrs. Plum….I need your e-mail! You were one of the winners!


Karyn….kideducator e-mail – it bounced back! Do you have another e-mail!

Hope to hear from both of you soon!

It’s a little late for this year, but maybe next year! Groundhog Flip Flops anyone?



  1. The groundhog book is fabulous- just printed it. My kinders will certainly enjoy it. Thanks so much for your generosity! :)

    ~ Amy

  2. I love this! I was looking for something to use for tomorrow. The kiddos are really going to enjoy this!

    I loved your giveaway earlier! I was hoping I won, but I guess maybe I didn't. :( Oh well... thanks for this!

    Thanks a ton!

  3. Thank you for this amazing freebie!! I have already printed it!
    Love it!

    ❤Mrs. McKown
    Little Literacy Learners

  4. Thank you so much for the freebie!!!

  5. The book is so cute- thanks so much! : )

  6. You are so sweet, Kathleen! Love the groundhogs stuff!

  7. This groundhog book is PRECIOUS. The kids are going to love learning about this little critter! Love the photos and facts. THANK YOU!!

  8. This is just the cutest little book--thank you!!!

  9. Cant wait to use the groundhog booklet!! LOVE!! I know my kiddos will LOVE it too!! Thanks sooo much!!


  10. Thanks for the freebie. I hope you are feeling better each day.

    just wanted to let you know, that you have been tagged. Stop by my blog to learn more.


  11. Thank you for the book! Can't wait to share with my students.

  12. Printed and bound already...can't wait for Ground Hog's Day!!
    Love Freebies and Great ones are even better!

  13. Love the freebie! Thanks for sharing.

  14. So cute! Thank you so much for sharing this. I don't have anything really useful to use on Groundhog Day - this will be perfect!

  15. Thank you for sharing. You are amazing!

  16. Perfect timing! We just started Report Writing genre this week. I'll be using it tomorrow in my lesson (so much more fun than the core reading series suggested book)and we'll make predictions, then see if they were correct. We're also practicing making predictions before we read, so it ties into that nicely also.
    You're incredible, don't know where you find the time, but glad you keep sharing!

  17. THANKS! This is awesome, and I was looking for a non-fiction groundhog book. I never really thought of making my own non-fiction books either, what a great idea for Kindergarten. Thanks so much for your freebies. I either can't find the time or the creativity. You are so talented!

  18. I love your book- thank you so much for sharing! I wish I had found it earlier so I could have used it today, but I will definitely be saving it for next year!

  19. I loved this book and so did the kids! Just the right amount of info. for them. Thanks for sharing.

  20. This book is AWESOME! ..my kinders (and I) LOVE IT. Thank you so much for sharing!! Please consider making some other non fiction books just like this, maybe one on American Symbols? I would gladly purchase it on TPT. Have a great weekend!!! :-)Robin

  21. Hi Kathleen,

    I'm so sorry you're having difficulty with my e-mail address. I e-mailed you hoping that would work but I guess it hasn't. If you'd like to try my work e-mail is: Wilburk@newmarket.k12.nh.us

    Thanks so much for all you do!

    1. I just sent it again - hopefully it will work! Maybe the 3rd time is a charm :)

  22. THANK YOU! Spending the summer getting ready for next year and this will be PERFECT!
