

I returned on Saturday from the I Teach K Conference, and I have to say that I am blown away by all of the fabulous people I met (Hi to all of you!)  It warms my heart to know that there are so many amazing teachers out there that are willing to give our all to help our children succeed.  This kind of dedication to the profession is what our country (and our children) need. 

Vegas 100

This is one of my favorite pictures of the week. It just makes me smile.

I’ll be back soon with more pictures or our blogger meet-up.  It was SO fun! If we took a picture together sometime last week, will you please send it to me?! I would love to have it!


  1. I love this picture too! I miss you roomie!

  2. OH this had to be *a*mazing!! I'm so glad you all got to spend time together learning from each other! (just a teensy bit jealous! Maybe next year?!)
    Rowdy in Room 300
    Come check out my awesome giveaway HERE!

  3. How cool! I just started my blog and would love if you stopped by :) http://bloomingin1st.blogspot.com/

  4. This is always the premier conference for K teachers. Glad you had a great time. Renee

  5. I know it must have been amazing!!! I hope that it happens next year, I'm saving my airmile points.

    Can't wait to hear all the wonderful ideas that came out of it.

    Liz :)

  6. Hi!
    I'm Georgia from ramseyresources.blogspot.com and I'm nominating your blog for two awards. Come over to my blog to take a look!

  7. Kathleen... Hey You! I just wanted to say I LOVE your blog! I have followed you for about a year...and am a faithful TPT fan too! Hee! Just stepped into the waters of "blogging" and am so happy to link up with you for the book study. :) Thanks for your inspiration!

  8. It was so great to meet you! I had such a fun time. :)
    <>< Crystal
