
Our Teacher Store Closed

This past November our local teacher supply store closed.  This was SUCH a bummer.  It was SO convenient to just stop by this lovely store and pick up pencil grips, bulletin board pieces, nametags, games…what ever you needed, they generally had it. And if you didn’t need anything, you could always find something.

So, when this little shop closed a lot of teachers in my area were devastated.  Even my 5 year olds heart is broken.  (They had a lovely little BRIO train that she would play with every time we went – and it was a LOT.)

I was very excited when MPM School Supplies contacted me and asked if I would check out their school supply site.  SURE! I need a new place to shop!  This place has EVERYTHING.  I didn’t know what I was going to buy!

MPM School Supplies

The shopping process was fast and easy.  Shipping was fast too.  I ordered a large calendar, and it was nicely packaged in a flat box.  I loved that they didn’t roll it up.

Check out my goodies:


I’ve been wanting those Frog Street Press CDs for a while now! I’m excited to open them up and listen! I’m thinking about an owl theme next year too, so thought the owl notepad would be cute.  Since I don’t have a teacher store near me anymore, I was happy to stock up on some dot stickers.  And I was SO excited when I saw Kim Adsit’s 2nd installment of her Reader’s Workshop units, Powerful Partnerships, uses Goldilocks as one of the lessons! I’ll be able to use these storytelling masks with the lessons.

So, why don’t you click over to MPM School Supplies and see if they have any goodies that you need or can’t live without!

Quick! As an added bonus, MPM is offering 15% off to the first 25 readers’ purchases!  Go check ‘em out! Just click on the link below to apply your discount.


MPM School Supplies


  1. You will love the Frog Street CDs!! I have the numbers, letters, shapes, and colors and they kids always love them!
    Mrs. Plant's Press

    1. Maybe I'll have to get the shapes and numbers too!!! :)

  2. Oh, I love the color songs from Frog Street! My kids always ask to sing them and they learn to spell the words. I have a set of the small books to go with them, I use my Elmo or hold them up, it's a great addition.
    Have fun! Take lots of pictures in Vegas, I sure wish I was going.

  3. I'm amazed that teacher stores could go out of business! I figured the amount of money my coworker and I spent there could keep the one in Spokane, WA in business. But sadly, it too closed =( I'll have to check out MPM! Thanks!



    1. The owner actually just closed this location - there is still one about 80 miles from us (where she lives). Her husband passed away, and she didn't want to keep both stores going. Big bummer for us :( I don't think this one was in financial trouble at all!!

    2. I hope one opens in your area soon. I like shopping online as much as the next girl, but there is something about being able to run to the store and pick something right up. I can't order from that site as the shipping is too much. I am still hoping that one day Lakeshore will open in Hawaii. :)

  4. Thank you so much! I've had my eye on a rug at the MPM website for a few weeks. It was already the best price I could find, and I just ordered it for 25 % OFF! Wooooo Hoooooo! :-)

    1. Yay!!! Glad you could use that discount!! :)

  5. MPM does have lots & Lots & LOTS of wonderful things at reasonable prices. I decided to do a little shopping yesterday and had about $25 worth of supplies in my cart. I went to checkout and literally gasped when I saw what their shipping and handling charges were!!! Over half of my purchases? No, I don't think so. I quickly closed that tab!

  6. Thank you for this post - it came at the perfect time. I had items sitting in my cart and went to bed last night with them still in there. I woke up this morning to see your post and got to apply the discount (and decided to shop for a few more things since I was going to save a little) LOL!

  7. Hey Everyone! This is Michael from MPM School Supplies, and I just wanted everyone to know that unfortunately, there is a typo in this post because the discount we are offering is for 15% off for the first 25 people who use the discount link. I have emailed Kathleen to let her know, but I figured I should post something here in the meantime since it may take some time to make that change in the post.

    I also wanted to take a minute to explain why shipping costs are what they are because there is some discussion about how high the cost of shipping is.

    We use both UPS and USPS real-time shipping rates to calculate shipping costs, which takes in to account the size and weight of the packages, the number of packages being shipped, and how far the package(s) have to go. Even though it may seem like it, we don't make money on shipping. We price our products as competitively as we can, and shipping just is what it is based on the rates we get from UPS and USPS.

    The other reason shipping may seem a little bit higher is because our number one priority is customer satisfaction! I know that probably sounds a little counterintuitive, but let me explain!

    We want our customers to have a great shopping experience from the time they first visit our site, to when they open their package(s). In order to make sure customers are satisfied, we take great care in packaging our products.

    We try our very best not to fold, bend, or roll products just to make them fit in a smaller box. As Kathleen said, she ordered a large calendar and loved that it was not rolled up and shoved in a box, but it was nicely packaged in a large flat one. I'm sure we could have rolled it up to fit in a smaller package, and gotten better shipping rates, but Kathleen certainly wouldn't have been as satisfied with her overall shopping experience.

    With all of that being said, we are always looking for ways to decrease the cost of shipping without sacrificing the quality of the products.

    Thanks to everyone who has taken advantage of the 15% discount and shopped with us! We hope you had a great experience, and if there is anything we can do better please let us know!

    Michael Johnson

    1. Thanks Michael ! Sorry about the confusion everyone!!

  8. I'm just waiting for our local store to close! It keeps getting smaller and smaller. I guess it's a sign of the times. I ordered from MPM last week. I'm hoping today will be the day it come in, otherwise I have to wait until Monday...argh!

    Owl Things First

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  10. I LOVE the Frog Street Press Color songs. My pre-k students learned how to spell& read the color words so fast! There are some great you-tube videos of the songs that my kids loved too.

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  13. Losing your local teacher supply store is a bummer, but MPM School Supplies seems like a great alternative with a wide selection, quick shipping, and enticing goodies. Thanks for sharing! Demon Slayer Pajama
