
In Pictures and In Words–Ch. 9

So sorry about the delay with this chapter! We just returned from a family vacation to Niagara Falls – there were a few hiccups along the way….a couple of broken bones, stomach flu, car sickness…just another average family vacation :)

First things first…

The winners of the giveaway from Chapter 8!


On to Chapter 9…

This chapter is about “wholeness of text.”  What the heck does that mean?  Basically it’s the consistency of the illustrations throughout the text.  It is all about creating a tone and a visual narrative that maintains its integrity throughout the book.

Here are some samples…

Technique 23:  Keeping Static Details Consistent – the static details of characters, objects, and places are consistent throughout the book.

I think that this technique is one of the hardest for our kindergarten kiddos.  When they turn the page and draw a new picture, it’s SO fun to put a new hair color on their mom, or different shoes on their sister, and so on.  We want them to realize that when they are writing a story about one event or idea and when they turn the page, the details still need to stay the same.

Katie suggests when teaching this technique to deliberately stop and take a minute to check the details in the drawings and  notice what stays the same in each picture and what changes.

Here is a well-loved book that you can use to show how the illustrator keeps an important item (character) looking the same throughout the book.

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With this book, you can guide the children to notice that no matter the setting that Corduroy is in, his overalls still stay the same color – that beautiful green. :)

Technique #27: Crafting Artful Repetition : The composition of an illustration may be repeated as a way to show change.

Circular books are a great way to show this technique. One of my favorites is Plaidypus Lost by Susan Stevens Crummel. The children ADORE this book!

Plaidypus stays the same in every setting in the book. 


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This poor little girl….she keeps losing her Plaidypus, and then find him again…looking the same as he did before. 

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Technique #28:  Crafting and ending that pulls multiple text elements together:  An ending illustration may pull visual elements together from across the text.

The text that immediately came to mind was…


Now, it’s your turn! What are your thoughts on this chapter? {I thought it was a bit tricky!}

Head on over to see Cheryl at Primary Graffiti and link up your blog post or leave a comment with book suggestions for this chapter’s techniques.

Primary Graffiti


  1. I really love how you make everything so crystal clear and always provide detailed illustrations. Thanks for another great chapter explanation!

  2. What a fabulous explanation. And the book illustrations really reinforce your descriptions. Thanks so much. Renee

  3. First of all, I was your winner from last chapter!! YIPPEEE!! I emailed you :) Thank you so much!

    Okay I also thought Chapter 9 was tricky and not my favorite! I LOVE your explanations and book choices! The book that kept coming to mind for me was The Day It Rained Hearts by Felicia Bond. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this book and so do my students. It is a wonderful example of bringing the story full circle by the text saying one thing and the illustrations showing another! I think you have to read it to see what I mean. Thanks again! I am so grateful for you, your TpT products, and your wonderful blog!

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