
Wild and Wacky Weather!

Oh my the weeks have flown by! But, we had lots of fun with our weather unit a few weeks ago! The kids had a great time learning about many different types of weather.  I don’t have many pictures to share with you, but here are some of our centers!

Practicing with blends:


Medial vowel sounds:




Writing sentences with our sight words.


Beginning sounds


Number combinations to 5.  The kids had little sunshine and cloud coins that they dumped out of a cup.  They had lots of fun with this center!




Counting backwards


Naming and writing the value of coins


Still practicing counting up to 30! I had a few kiddos that are still inconsistent with this!

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We made symmetrical kites after reading:



I love the Stuart J. Murphy math books!

We made our own cloud creations after reading these books:

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and looked at this website.

This site also has lots of fun cloud pictures.


(I was amazed at how many kids never actually looked up at the clouds and saw different shapes!)

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We also used the Pebble Go site to learn about the different types of clouds.  This really is an amazing site!  You need a user id and login to use it – our district is trying it out.  It is fantastic! Lots of great information for our young learners.

We read this book:


and learned about wind.  We used straws to blow different items across the tables.

I also love this books for teaching about weather:

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These are all from Captone/Pebble books.  I got these as a bundle from Scholastic.  I love the Pebble books! Scholastic has been having more and more in their catalog too.  Everytime I see a bundle, I scoop it up.  Good non-fiction for Kindergarten is so hard to find!

To wrap up all of our weather learning, we watched parts of this fun video:


We love Sid the Science Kid!!

We are working on our farm unit this week and having SO much fun!!  We will also have our Wedding of Q and U on Friday! We are SOOO excited! This is one of my most favorite days in Kindergarten.  The kids love it and they talk about it for many years after Kindergarten!  If you are interested in any of these weather centers you can check them out here.


  1. I've been wishing & hoping you'd do a farm unit! We go next week!!! Can't wait to buy it! :)

    1. Hi Gretchen - I hope to get my farm unit done this weekend. We've been out of town for the last few weeks on the weekends, so I haven't gotten anything done! You can imagine what my house looks like! ahhhhh -- attack of the laundry piles!!!

  2. This unit looks adorable! I am now a follower! Come follow me!


    Lohren Nolan

  3. I love your centers ! I'm a french teacher (I teach in first and second grade in the same classroom) and I follow your work because I would like to teach with centers in my classroom. Can you tell me how many sets of cards I must print in a center like "counting backward" if I want to install three kids at this station ?
    thank you for your answer.

  4. I am doing your weather centers this week and loving them! keeping my kids engaged and learning!
