
Are your students “Bee”having?


I needed to add just a little bit of positive behavior incentive for my kiddos in these last few weeks.  I found these cute bee baskets at Target a while back, and they go perfectly with our schoolwide RTI-B plan – we have a theme of bees!

“Bee” Safe

“Bee” Responsible

“Bee Respectful

I also found this cute little mystery prize box at Really Good Stuff.  It was on clearance for $3!! I snagged 3 – one for each member of my K team! 

Here’s how it works – the kiddos can earn a ticket for great behavior (in addition to building their rainbow pieces).  They write their name on the ticket and put it in the bee basket.  At the end of every day, I pull out one name from the basket.  That person gets to dig in the mystery prize box for a little prize.  The kids LOVE it!  I love that they don’t have to wait until the end of the week for a name to be drawn – I remember better to give out tickets and the kids are excited every day!

It’s super easy – the kids love the tickets, and it doesn’t take any extra time or effort.  I just throw some odds and ends in the prize box for prizes – whatever I have on hand.

How are you managing end of the year/spring fever behavior in your classrooms?


  1. Your post is exactly what I was thinking about today. My current behavior system isn't working and they need something new/different. After they came back from spring break, they are a different kind of animal! OH MY WORD, they would not stop chit chatting.


  2. Yikes, my kids are so noisy and naughty this week! This is just what I needed! I have all the stuff, just need to put it in place. Thanks!
    Your timing is perfect.

  3. I love your Bee-havior idea! I have a bug jar(paper) on the white board and when the group is doing really well, we add a bug to the jar.
    When the jar is full, the class will offer ideas for a group prize and then we will vote (a good tally mark review) Students earn one "Punch" per day on their punch card and when they have ten punches they go to the prize box. This takes about 2 weeks. I like your idea because it is new and a good lesson in probability. It also works quicker. My problem is spending so much time watching for good behavior and giving out the tickets. I worry about missing some of the kids who are doing so well. Thank you for sharing. I think we all need some new tricks at this time of the year!

    On another note...will you be posting a May poem soon? Any thoughts about putting them altogether on TpT? My class LOVES them and can't wait to learn it every month!

  4. Our school mission statement is Bee Respectful, Bee Responsible, and always Bee Nice. I can't believe we have almost the same exact ones. I bought those same bees at Target a while back, too. Right now for some reason my kiddos are "BEE" having, so I haven't done anything yet. Love your idea...

  5. I really appreciate your posts. My daughter is in 1st grade, but there are so many (like this one) that I can use in my classroom. Thank you so much!

  6. Adorable idea - and I can see how it would work very well. Nice that it does not involve a lot of"teacher bookkeeping" which bogs things down. Yeah - spring is always a bit crazy in kindergarten. Good luck and thanks for that great tip, Renee

  7. Wow! I am so going to buy tickets right now! Thanks for sharing this great idea!!

    Jen's Kinder Kids
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