
April Calendar Song

Sorry guys, I was hoping to get a post up with my centers for the week, but I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather.  I’ll try really hard to get it up tomorrow night.  I teach a parent class Mondays after school, and usually stay a bit late at school on Mondays when that is done, so look for that post later in the evening.

But, without further ado, here is my April calendar song.  I owe much of it to my hubby – he helped me write most of it!  He said it’s the best one yet ;)




  1. My calendar binder isn't complete each month until your song gets added!! Thanks so much! :)

  2. Ditto!! My kiddos look forward to your poems every month! Thanks so much for sharing!! :)

  3. I am so glad I checked my Blogger Dashboard before getting to sleep! I am so excited to see your song and will add it tomorrow. Thank you Kathleen and I hope you feel better this week!

  4. Your great! Thanks for the song. Can't wait to share it with my class.

  5. Thank you so much for sharing these! My kiddos love them!

  6. Thank you so much! My kids absolutely love these songs!

    Shirley Short

  7. Super CUTE!! I hope that you are feeling better soon! Teaching a parent class too!! You are just one rock star!

    Thanks Mr. Husband for a SUPER cute song!!


  8. I LOVE your monthly songs! I use them every month! THANK YOU!

  9. I have to agree with everyone! My month can not start without your song. I love them, my kids love them...they are wonderful!


  10. Thank you so much for making these available! My sweet little people absolutely love them and I am very appreciative!

    Kim F

  11. I love your April song....can't wait to see May's!

  12. Your month songs are great! Will there be a song for May?

  13. Thanks! I'm going to go find the others so we can add this to our calendar time. I love your blog!

  14. I just downloaded September - April Calendar songs (couldn't find May). I'm adding these to my Smartboard calendar files! LOVE them! --Barb

  15. I just started my first year as a prek teacher and I am so glad I discovered you blog!

  16. I forgot to print the March one for our homeschooling session, and I was told to go 'do it right now!!!' haha. Thanks so much for all the work you put into everything! It is very much appreciated!

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