Well, the month is over, and I guess I’m SUPER slow in getting up pictures of my October Calendar book.
So, here goes!
Our October song:
We sing this song too:
Then our monthly page… it’s difficult to see, but we crossed out one penny for every day of the week and then sang our penny song.
And our weather tracker….the children LOVE this page. Before we do this page, we check the temperature and draw it on the thermometer on our IWB (if you are an Everyday Math user, you’ll know about this thermometer!) The kids cheer when we reach another color.
Our digital date is always right about our daily schedule. Writing it every day in our calendar binders have really helped the kids notice it and also write it on their daily writing, and some are even writing it on their daily work!
We choose a “number of the day” and tally it…
and write about what comes before and after. We use our growing number line for this as well. This has also helped the kiddos be more aware of the resources around them.
EVERYDAY we count up to the day of school we are on. The kids never tire of this! (Psst…our 50th day is on MONDAY! yippee!)
We also add one dot to our 10 frame for counting days in school.
We had ZERO birthdays in October!
I do my daily calendar on my Interactive White Board. I pretty much just insert the calendar pages into a flipchart and then add a bit of interactivity to it. One day, I’ll try to take pictures of the flipchart for you! If you have an IWB and don’t know how to make flipcharts, I HIGHLY suggest finding a class you can take! In the meantime, you can check out Promethean Planet for some great tutorials.
If you have any questions about my calendar routine, post away and I’ll try to answer them!
Good luck today in your crazy classroom!