
Wild and Crazy Insta Review…

If you’re not following me on Instagram – find me @growingkinders – I try to post something everyday! You can get a little peek into my daily goings on in my classroom! Stop on by, I would love to have you!

These last few weeks have been wild and crazy in my house!

First…it was recital week.  If you are a dance mom, you know that these are crazy times! My 11 year old danced in 9 dances this spring.  Phew.  That meant 9 dress rehearsals. Add in the 6 year old and you have 2 more dances.  Dance week is CRAZY in my house!  But, we LOVE it. I LOVE seeing my girls on stage doing what they love!


We also had our exquisite wedding of q and u! This is one of my favorite days of the whole school year, and the children just LOVE it.  We chicken danced, bunny hopped, and macarena’d the afternoon away! And of course, we had wedding cake!


We had so much fun doing our animal research projects! We gathered data from book and from websites – compiled our info sheet, wrote our books, and then published using eduCreations.  SO fun!


We went on a little lion hunt…


and made our kiss boxes for mom!


I know this time of year is a bit crazy for everyone!  I hope you’re having fun with your kiddos and enjoying the last days and weeks of the school year!

I’ll be back soon with a peek at our ocean centers!


  1. Everything looks so fun! I'm so sad that I don't have a smart phone anymore so I don't do Instagram. :(
    Just Reed!

  2. I love recital time! This is the first year in a long time I am not teaching dance classes on top of teaching kindergarten, I needed my weekend back. Anyways, recital time was always my favorite! I will be back with my studio to help with their recital, but I know it won't be the same without having any of my own numbers. Your girls are so cute!

  3. I saw your Facebook page about the I teach K conference.
    I wanted to leave your note.
    I would just love to go!!!
