
Fun at the Beach! Math Centers

Well, I guess it took me a week to post my beach math centers! Sorry!!

Here they are!

At this center, the children scooped out shells from the bucket, counted them and tallied the number.


Practicing subtraction!


My kiddos LOVE to play Flip 5 and practice sums to 5.  I made an Ocean theme for them to play at centers.



We also practiced reading the dime with “digital numbers” – this was tricky for some!  But, we’ve been working on time to the hour, half hour, and even quarter after and quarter to during our calendar time!


School is out for me now, but I’m already thinking and planning ahead to next year.  I’ve got a long list of ideas to work on and books to read this summer!

I would love to hear what you would like me to blog about this summer – anything that you’ve been wanting to know just comment below and I’ll try to blog about it this summer!

Here is me and my girls on the last day of school! My oldest will start middle school next year *gasp!* and my youngest just finished Kindergarten.  I love these girls so  much and am looking forward to spending the summer with them!


Yep, we’ll be doing a lot of this this summer!



Fun at the Beach! Literacy Centers!

The last few weeks of school are simply CRAZY!  Constant interruptions, assessments, organizing, special events and so on! I try to keep the day as consistent as possible for the kiddos.

They loved our literacy centers this week.  Here is a peek of what we did!

We used our Lakeshore fishing rods (love these!) to go fishing for sight words.

IMG_3299 IMG_3300

Had a little beach ball fun by rolling the ball to each other and writing the sight word that was closest to our hands when we caught the ball.


Played some CVC UNO.


and unscrambled our sentences.


I am so happy that the children love our centers – they stay engaged the whole time, and I am able to pull kids for assessments, for small groups, or for one on one work. 

These centers are all from my Fun at the Beach unit if you’re interested!  I’ll post pictures of math centers tomorrow!


Wild and Crazy Insta Review…

If you’re not following me on Instagram – find me @growingkinders – I try to post something everyday! You can get a little peek into my daily goings on in my classroom! Stop on by, I would love to have you!

These last few weeks have been wild and crazy in my house!

First…it was recital week.  If you are a dance mom, you know that these are crazy times! My 11 year old danced in 9 dances this spring.  Phew.  That meant 9 dress rehearsals. Add in the 6 year old and you have 2 more dances.  Dance week is CRAZY in my house!  But, we LOVE it. I LOVE seeing my girls on stage doing what they love!


We also had our exquisite wedding of q and u! This is one of my favorite days of the whole school year, and the children just LOVE it.  We chicken danced, bunny hopped, and macarena’d the afternoon away! And of course, we had wedding cake!


We had so much fun doing our animal research projects! We gathered data from book and from websites – compiled our info sheet, wrote our books, and then published using eduCreations.  SO fun!


We went on a little lion hunt…


and made our kiss boxes for mom!


I know this time of year is a bit crazy for everyone!  I hope you’re having fun with your kiddos and enjoying the last days and weeks of the school year!

I’ll be back soon with a peek at our ocean centers!


I appreciate you :)

It’s that time of year again! The time we fill up our shopping cards with items to help us make it through the rest of this school year and the beginning of next year!

Thanks Hope for the cute graphic!!

I will be discounting the items in my shop 20% and TpT will kick in an extra 10% if you use the code TAD13.

If you’re looking for a few things from my shop to finish out the year, here is what I use….

Just had our wedding on Friday – this is always a blast for the kids!


We are also finishing up our farm centers:


and Fix-It Up sentences are always a great time filler:


and reviewing those tricky teens!


We will also be starting our end of the year beach/ocean unit


and playing some more Flip Five! (my kiddos LOVE this game!)


and now is a great time to grab my calendar set.  I’m testing out another version that I’ll be adding to this set – so grab it now and you’ll get the updates before the price increases!

calendar book cover

Here’s some goodies for next year too…

image  image image

and if you need a couple of last minute Mother’s Day ideas – grab these below!

Slide1 Slide1

and here is what I start out the year with…



See you there! My cart is loaded and ready to shop for fantastic goodies for the end of the year and the beginning of next year!

…and just a little shout out to my girl who turned 11 today! So proud of this girl! Happy Birthday, K!!
