
Sorting! {and a little Give away!!}

Sorting is an activity that you can incorporate into your classroom tomorrow! You just need a few basic things to sort!  Through sorting, children realize that things are alike and different and can belong and be organized in different groups.
Sorting helps children begin to think logically about objects and mathematical concepts.  Depending on the type of sorts you do and the attributes the children are sorting the sort can be basic or challenging.
There are 2 types of sorts children can do:
One of the choices my kiddos can do when they finish their math centers is to grab a bucket and do some sorts.  They will usually team up with a partner and play “Guess my Sort.”  They LOVE this.  I’m amazed at how engaged they are when doing this and how they love to try to outsmart their partner!
Sometimes the kiddos will grab these plates to do their sorts on, other times they will just sort right on the carpet.
Here are some pictures of what is in the sorting buckets right now. 
IMG_2511  IMG_2512IMG_2513  IMG_2514IMG_2515  IMG_2516
What is great about sorting is that you can gather many different types of items (free or no cost!) for the children to sort.
You could sort:
  • buttons
  • keys
  • bottle caps
  • environmental print
  • letters
  • fonts
  • pens, markers, pencils
  • pattern blocks
  • shells
  • seeds
  • socks
  • shoes
  • beads
  • coins
  • stamps
  • nuts and bolts
  • rubber bands
  • noodles (dyed and not dyed)
  • pipe cleaners
  • rocks
  • leaves
Can you think of more!?!?
You don’t need any fancy sorting sheets – just let children do what they do best! EXPLORE!
Encourage children to engage in some “friendly controversy” and encourage them to DEFEND their sorts!  This will help them build their problem solving skills and also be confident in their sorting rules.
Here’s some more great ideas for sorting…
My sweet friend Anna, has some great ideas for teaching Attributes on her blog…
Crazy for First Grade
She has tons of great ideas! (and some free downloads!) Click on her banner above to go there.
Kathryn from Kindergarten, Kindergarten also has some AMAZING activities for sorts.
I LOVE her ball bucket!
and her mystery sorting box
Be sure to check {this post} as well for more ideas from Kathryn.
Lots of great ideas {here} as well!
Love these little people from Lakeshore!
and check out Cara’s blog
The First Grade Parade
for this awesome anchor chart and a free download of a sorting song!
My super smart friend Kim also has a few sorting ideas on her newly remodeled website.  Stop over and take a peek!KinderGals
One of the fun goodies in my baskets are these super fun attribute apples from Learning Resources:Product Image
With this bucket ‘o fun, children can sort and classify apples by 5 attributes, including size, color and physical features (stem, leaf, worm)
There are  27 apples and and an Activity Guide featuring suggested uses of Venn diagrams for higher-order thinking skills
The children love to sort these and try to challenge each other to “guess their sort!”
The apples are $21.99 and are available {here}
There are a TON of resources that children can use for sorting if you’re willing to spend a dollar or two :) Check out this link for more!
But, hold on to your wallet, Learning Resources wants to give away one of these Attribute apples to one lucky Growing Kinders reader! {Phew, thanks for hanging on until the end!}
Just enter in the Rafflecopter below and leave a comment about your favorite way to teach sorting and attributes.
a Rafflecopter giveaway You can find Learning Resources on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Youtube.

Happy Birthday Dr. S!

Sorry for the lack of posts lately!  I was out of town Thursday-Sunday last week with my daughter for a dance competition.  It was a crazy weekend, but we have a lot of fun!  However, my hotel didn’t have free WiFi – boo.  Of course, I could have paid, but I would have much rather spend the $13 per night on cute dance outfits for my girl :)

So, this week, we are celebrating the silly doctor.  I have had so many requests for my Dr. S. centers.  Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond my control, I can’t offer these exact centers to you. Boo.

But, I am going to show you what my kiddos are working on:

Still working on ten frames and tallies.  My kiddos are getting so good at this!


Addition fun! Anything is more fun with dice and spinners, right?!


This center is a bit of a challenge for some kids.  But once they get the hang of it they’re good to go!


Here we are practicing counting coins by 1s, 5s, and 10s.


Practicing with subtraction


Stretching out sounds and rhyming


Rolling, writing, and reading real and nonsense words


For our listening center, the children listened to Fox in Socks and then drew and labeled pictures that rhyme.


Working on blends!


Reading, stamping, and writing sight words.


So, here is what I did for you…..I have re-worked this packet…it is TOTALLY usable for Dr. S. week.  I just didn’t want to remake all of my center activities! (Yes, lazy!)  All of the activities are the same as above, but the clipart is Seuss approved (they won’t let us use any clipart that resembles Seuss art).  I know it’s been hard to find activities to use.  You can see the previews of all of the activities below.  If you have any questions about it, feel free to contact me!



Oh, one more thing….


Will I see you there??



In honor of Valentine’s day, I thought I would share a few of my loves! 


{I’m loving my family}


{I’m loving my favorite bloggy friends…I don’t think I could go a night with out checking in with them!}


Abby, Deanna, Sarah, Amanda, Abby, Hope, Rachelle, Kim, Cheryl, Erica, Lindsay, Amy, Michelle, Me
Not in this picture:  Megan, Katie, Natalie, Anna

{I’m loving my MK Watch}

Michael Kors Michael Kors Mini-Size Blair Multi-Function Glitz Watch, Rose Golden

{I’m loving my new phone}

{I’m loving this Laura Gellar shadow palette}

{I’m loving my comfy couch tonight after a loooong day}

PS My pillows are not ugly :)

{I’m loving listening to my favorite music}

Love all her music, but this album is my fave – her music ALWAYS makes me happy.

With my pal Sarah at the Chicago show!

and with THE Brandi!


I’ve been a fan for about 3 years…this is my favorite album.

{I’m loving TV}


(Disclaimer:  I do NOT like Abby – but I LOVE to watch the girls dance! and I really MISS Parenthood!)


{I’m loving to shop daily deals…slightly addicted}

Very Jane - Boutique Deals

Sassy Steals

Simple Addiction

Groopdealz Logo

{I’m loving this lotion -- especially in the cold upper midwest!}

{I’m loving valentine’s from my kiddos}

Photo: Valentines swag.  Lots of hugs and I love you's today.  Love my job :)

I could probably go on and on, but these are my loves….right now :)

Share your loves with me! Link up below…be sure to grab the image at the top for your blog post!

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