
Have you seen this?


Tell me this wouldn’t make our lives easier as teachers?  I’ve been eyeing this cutting machine for a while.  It’s kind of like the other “big one” on the market, except it doesn’t require cartridges! You connect it to your computer, and it uses the fonts, clip art, etc. that you already have on your computer!  You can also download shapes from their website.  It will even cut vinyl! Sooooo cool…and I want one!




My birthday is on Friday and it would make an excellent gift, don’t cha think??

This blog, Brown Paper Packages, is giving one away! I really, really want to win!!  Go over and check it out!


  1. I love love love this! I have a cricut expression but would love of have this for my classroom. Think of all the great things the students could create!

  2. I have a cricut expression and would definetly recommend it to any teacher! It is fabulous, saves lots of time for sure! After I got mine and used it so much the school got one for the school that teachers can use in the work room! It was a lot cheaper than die cuts and more practical! The cricut expression looks wider than this so you may want to look into it. Walmart has them for 198.00 with 2 carts or you can get online at Walmart for I think 178.00. I buy all my cartridges on ebay and never pay more than 25.00 a cartridge. One cartride can have over 4000 images on it! Very handy indeed! On my blog I have some things that I made for my classroom posted in previous posts you may check it out!

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