
Favorite March Activities!

Since moving up to first grade, I have been absolutely horrible at taking pictures of the day to day action in my classroom!  I know I have also neglected this old blog too.  So sorry!  I wanted to share with you some of my favorite math and literacy centers from when I taught Kindergarten.   Some of these could also be used for small group RTI (or MTSS as we now call it in our district).  I structure my 1st grade math and literacy block much differently than when I taught Kindergarten and I will blog about that soon!
So here, are a few quick snaps of my faves from Kindergarten:
I’ve also used gems, coins, and my IWB for this activity.  You can use whatever is easiest for you – this is a super simple center to put together.
All of the above activities come from this unit:
This was an activity that I had at my listening center.  The children kept a listening center journal with just plain white paper.  I would have a response prompt on a sticky label and they would write to that prompt. Easy and effective.
Here is a super simple, directed drawing art project that we did.  We drew with black crayons or oil pastels and then watercolored.
Some years we drew a little leprechaun to add to our pots of gold – I took a screen shot of my IWB page and you’ll get the gist of how that little green guy is drawn.
One project that I started working on while I taught Kindergarten were these monthly word work packs.  My children LOVED working on these fun, colorful activities, and they all corresponded perfectly to what we were learning.  My ultimate goal is to finish these for each month, but man, life gets in the way! I have an almost 14 year old now, and a 9 year old and they sure are busy!
March Word Work
Here are some peeks of what is in the packet:


We also celebrated Reading Month and Dr. Seuss’ birthday.  We have done lots of fun activities, like wacky Wednesday, crazy sock day, green egg and ham day and so on!

Here are a couple of other resources that I always used in March!
Problem Solving Fun! March Edition  I Can Learn Can You!?  Whimsical Math and Literacy Centers
I hope you have a great March! Can’t believe how this year has flown by! 
If you are interested in a certain topic that I can blog about, leave a comment below.  I would love to share with you how things work in my classroom :)


  1. I have really missed you! I still use many of your products in my kindergarten classroom. I actually sat next to you at I TEACH K in Las Vegas a few years ago but was too timid to say anything. I regret that. Anyway, just in case if you were wondering if anyone reads your blog and has missed you. YES! Can't wait to hear about your 1st grade update.

    1. Awww, you're so sweet! Thank you for the affirming words! So much has changed for me in the blogging world, and it makes me feel good to know that there are still people out there that support me! Obviously, I didn't say hi at I Teach K either - believe it or not, I'm a bit of an introvert :)

  2. You gave so much to us for so long! You deserve a break to spend more time with your family! Thanks for all you give to us! Your products are awesome!

    1. Thank you so much Liz! So glad there are people out there that support me!

  3. Your March center activities look like a ton of fun!!

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  4. I was SO EXCITED to see you pop up in my feed! I totally understand how busy life is but I sure am glad to "see" you!! Thank you for all you contribute to education and the bloggy world!!!

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