
BTS15–It’s a Sale!!

Ah, I can’t believe it’s that time of year already!  We are headed back to school and it’s time for TPT’s biggest sale of the year! I have everything in my store on sale at 20% – use the code BTS15 at checkout for an additional discount!!


I’ve been working frantically to get this done for you all:

first grade calendar

It’s an Interactive Calendar Journal for FIRST grade! (You can also use it in second grade!)  My friend Cheryl has been pushing me to get this done all year, and I finally sat done while I was in Norway and got it done.  BUT – I won’t be uploading it until either Monday night or Tuesday.  I’m not COMPLETELY done with it yet – I’m hoping to completely finish it on the plane home!

If you are a Kindergarten teacher, you can still purchase the one that was designed for Kindergarten.  This has been one of my best sellers on TPT, and I know you will love it!

calendar book15

COMING SOON: I’m also bundling up my monthly calendar songs and a few extras for you.  You can still download the all for free throughout the blog, but I’ll be adding some extras here.  This is still a work in progress! I can’t promise I’ll be able to finish this before the sale is over, but I’ll certainly try!


calendar songs unit

Here are a few of my other favorites to start the year off:









cover splat

fix it read it write it back to school first grade

easy alphabet games

alpha whole group games

flip 5 back to school

Have fun shopping!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE your "It's Calendar time-kinder". I used it every day with my kinder buddies and saw tremendous growth. I will be looping and was frantically looking for a 1st grade version-to no avail. I was so excited to read your post! My cart is beyond overflowing, but I must add this item as well. ;)
