
Gingerbread Throwback

This year in first has been quite an adjustment for me!  I really hope to be back with some new content for you, but for now, here is some fun activities that we did in Kindergarten for Gingerbread week!


All of these activities are from my Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice Gingerbread unit. 

Sugar and Spice....Gingerbread and Candy Themed Math and Literacy



I am almost finished with my first grade December math centers – I HOPE to have them finished by tonight! Stay tuned!

december math centers

This however, is done:






I keep these scrambled sentences in my writing center for my kiddos, and they LOVE them!


  1. That throwback was AWESOME! Your Kinders sure had fun last year! How do you like 1st? I heard it's A LOT of work.

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