
Sunday Smorgasbord + Christmas in July {50th and 100th Day!}

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Do you know what a smorgasbord really is?  I’ll tell ya..

It is really spelled like this:  Smörgåsbord (that’s Swedish).  Remember my hubs is from Norway (which is right next to Sweden, and many things are similar).  He loves going home, because he gets to eat ALL of the foods that he loves…

A smorgasbord is really just a buffet…

In Norway, it can look something like this….there is lots of delicious bread,  lots of pålegg (that’s toppings like meats and cheeses), and lots of veggies.  Sometimes they have cold scrambled eggs. (I don’t like that.)

So, how’s that for random??

Let’s get back to it…I’m leaving for Vegas today.  I am SO excited.  My bags are packed and I’ll be on my way!

Before I leave though, I need to tell you about my Sunday Christmas in July sale!

Today, it’s 2 items!




Just click on the images to find the units!

So, if you want to think ahead….now’s your chance! Stop by my Facebook Fan page for a freebie!

PS – I’m going to try REALLY hard to keep up with this little old blog while I am in Vegas next week, but PLEASE forgive me if I can’t!

And one more random, but not so random, because I am SO excited to see my bloggy friends later today!  I absolutely adore spending time with them! 


Vegas, here I come!


  1. Loved reading your take on smorgasbord

    Have fun in Vegas

  2. I love your smorgasbord of a post! I love catching up with friends that you haven't seen in awhile and it's like you didn't miss a beat since you left each other!

    Have fun!
    Rambling About Reading

  3. Have the best time! Hopefully we can meet next year!

    Now what is in those tubes on the table? :)

  4. Haha! The tubes are different kinds of "spreads" - I don't like them at all! Kids really like them though - the only one my in-laws ever buy is a caviar spread! But I think there is also a salmon spread. Not sure of the others.....
