
Whole Brain Teaching–Learn Along with Me!


I have been slightly intrigued by the Whole Brain Teaching phenomenon over this past year.  Like most of us, I don’t have a lot of free time during the school year to read professional books. But, once summer comes, I LOVE to get my hands on professional books.  I decided that my #1 read was going to be this book:

The “challenging kids” part is what caught my attention.  I’m sure you’re all thinking of a few challenging kids you’ve had over the years in your head, right?

I’ve watched a few YouTube videos, read a few blogs and have a BASIC understanding, but really wanted to dig deeper and learn for myself from the creator of the Whole Brain Teaching program (Chris Biffle).

So, if you’re interested, you can follow along on my little learning adventure!

First up, Chapter 1.


Here are a few things that I highlighted!


Yes! Of course they do!  Whole Brain Teaching is FUN – they make their program fun to follow so children will WANT to be part of the classroom environment in a POSITIVE way.  Children learn to work together to make their teacher happy and because they love to play the teacher and teach their friends.

Biffle says the program is more like a GAME that all students want to participate in.  There are penalties and rewards when “playing” the game. 


I am very excited about this part!  Learning about how the brain works in learning to read has been another item on my list of “to-do’s”.  Chapter 5 goes into greater detail on how Whole Brain Teaching uses all parts of the brain.

I hope that you join me on this WBT journey! If you want to jump ahead, go ahead and order the book from Amazon, or go to their website.  What is amazing about this program is that there is so much information on their website that is absolutely FREE!

  I would love to hear your thoughts – leave a comment below! Do you use WBT?  Are you intrigued?  Keep checking back this summer for more WBT posts!


  1. I discovered WBT earlier this year and it made a HUGE difference in my attitude, and classroom management. I just got the book also. I made some ELA power Pixs on my TPT store... Check them out! I want to really get into it this summer and start wrong next year. My kids LOVED the scoreboard :)

  2. I'm in! I saw a few videos last summer and was very intrigued as well. I will order the book tonight! I can't wait for the discussions! thanks, Kathleen!

  3. Start strong... (Dang auto correct!)

    BTW check this out..

  4. I started using WBT in January and it made a HUGE difference in my classroom! The kids and I both loved it and it kept the kids engaged and on task. I also used the super improver wall which they loved!!!

  5. My friends and I used a few of the WBT techniques at the end of the year, and LOVED them!! We wanted to learn more and see Chris Biffle in action, so we have planned a girl trip to Louisiana to attend to the WBT conference. The conference itself is free, June 17-19...details are on their website if you're interested:). My husband gets a kick out of listening to our excitement over attending a conference...but I can't help myself :). Good luck in your WBT adventures. I look forward to reading more.
    Renee Fort

  6. I have been doing WBT since October. It revolutionized my classroom! Welcome aboard. Get ready for some funtricity in your classroom.

  7. I've been a Whole Brain teacher in K for the last 2 years! It's by far one of the most effective teaching methods I have used. Last year I attended the WBT conference in LA. It's totally free to attend you just pay for travel expenses. Coach B is AWESOME!! Now I can quiet down my whole class just by saying the word. CLASS and they all stop and respond with YES! Plus with CC standards it lends itself so easily to so many of the standards too. I'm a HUGE fan of WBT and totally recommend it!!

  8. So excited to read along with you! I implemented a few WBT strategies in my classroom this year but I couldn't wait to learn more! :-) Can't wait to continue reading your posts!

  9. I too will be doing the book study this summer. My book came Wednesday night. Unfortunately, I have report cards due Monday and 5 more school days, then I am on board. Can't wait to implement WBT fully next year. I dabbled a little toward the end of this year, and my students liked everything we did. Glad to have others to discuss it with!


  10. I am so intrigued by WBT but at the same time SO OVERWHELMED. I am excited to follow along and may just have to order this book and put on hold some of the other millions of professional books I want to read.
    Third Grade Tidbits

  11. I am adding this to my Amazon wishlist. I would LOVE to learn more about WBT.

    Yeehaw! Teaching in Texas

  12. I watched many videos about it last year and also did some research on the website. I tried parts of it with my first graders this year. They loved saying the 5 rules everyday including having a class leader to lead them. They also responded really well to Class...Yes! I just ordered the book to read this summer and plan to try again next year and incorporate all parts of WBT. Looking forward to learning along with ya! :)

  13. I have been reading about WBT for almost a year now but have been a bit scared to start.

    I recently took two weeks of sick leave and since coming back my kids have been a little bit feral.

    I started the scoreboard this week and it's been going well! It's like a competition. Each morning we decide what their reward will be if they beat me and what my reward will be if I beat them. We had a popcorn party yesterday when they beat me and we did maths pages at lunch the day before when I beat them haha

    I might grab a copy of the book too and follow along with your journey! I'm in Australia so we're only half way through our teaching year!

    Lifelong Learners in Prep

  14. I use it in a limited way, we do the 5 rules and it helps so much! I've also had the kids do the "teach your neighbor" portion. They love it!


  15. I'm so excited about this! I incorporated some elements of it this year because I had quite a challenging class. Totally helped! I can't wait to learn more about WBT! I am going to see about ordering this book too.

  16. I've been using components of WBT for the past two years in my classroom and LOVE IT! This has spurred me to make a blog post! :) I'll link back to ya and send you my link! :) I love some WBT!

  17. Studying WBT is high on my to do list this summer so your post could not have come at a better time. It's so funny because I looked into it just a little bit at the beginning of the year and sort of forgot about it. At the end of the year when I was looking into it again and really starting to dig a little deeper I did a Class... and they all said Yes... I couldn't believe they remembered!

  18. Just downloaded the book and going to join you on this book study, I have been hearing such great things about Whole Brain Teaching! Can;t wait to read more, thanks for the challenge!


    A Primary Owl

  19. Here's my post:


    Love WBT! Can't wait to "dig a little deeper" with you!
    Beg, Borrow, Steal

    1. Wow! Thanks!! It will be great to have someone that's been in the trenches using this method around for advice!

  20. I already have the book! I can't wait to read more posts about what you think of WBT! My friend and I are going to hear him speak in August at the mid west conference and we are pumped up:)

    The Phonics Phenomenon

  21. I have been using WBT techniques in my room since November... and I LOVE it too! Seriously, brings a new level of control to the classroom! My co-workers and principal were so intrigued to see the kiddos respond to the "CLAAAASSS.." calls, etc. Can't wait to walk through the book study with you all! Anyone going to Vegas for I-Teach K? Maybe we can have a WBT Blogging Buddy "Meet Up??"

    1. Awesome!!!
      I will be in Vegas, I am presenting on Tuesday afternoon!! We will be having a meet up on Tuesday evening. The exact details have not been ironed out yet, but I will post of my blog when we know!!

  22. Whole Brain teaching has been a integral part of my classroom for many years. I attended a seven day training by the guru himself Eric Jensen and it was amazing. It is really an eye opening experience to see the effects this has on all of your students!!

    i am looking forward to reading the book and taking this journey with you!!

    Cindy Price

  23. Used some WB this year but would love to learn more. Just ordered the book too! Tammy

  24. So awesome to see so many educators jumping on the WBT train!! Can't wait to meet everyone at the conference!!

  25. I heard so much about this last year. I also watched all the videos I could find on utube and totally put it on the back burner. Is this beneficial to only those who have behavior issues in the classroom?
    I will be following with you and learning all I can from you and those who have implemented this.
    My Second Sense

  26. I have been using lots of the WBT techniques for 2 years and my students love them. I really love the "teach Okay" because it give all my students a chance to share their thoughts and predictions. It cuts down on the blurts because they know they will have a chance to share.

  27. Can't wait to use this with my small reading groups. I share a room so learning to adapt this for a quiet atmosphere about the size of the office will need some creativity...but that is what blogging buddies are for...creativity and support !

    Have a great weekend !
    Ms. D's Literacy Lab- TpT

  28. I have been searching for my summer professional reading :) I also try to learn something new in my downtime. I had really been leaning towards Conscious Discipline but happened upon your blog and was intrigued by the Whole Brain Teaching book study. I've downloaded the book to my Kindle and am anxious to jump in and start this with my young 5's in the fall!

  29. I am sooo on this train! I have watched his videos and am definitely a believer in WBT!! Buying the book today and can't wait to join in on the book club!!

  30. I am sooo on this train! I have watched his videos and am definitely a believer in WBT!! Buying the book today and can't wait to join in on the book club!!

  31. I am adding this to my summer book study list right now!!

    Terri Izatt

  32. @scooterd - I will be reading a conscious discipline book too! That's our school book study for next year, so I hope to get a jump start on it!

  33. I will be following you a for this-I've been wanting to learn more about this.

  34. I will be following you a for this-I've been wanting to learn more about this.

  35. I ordered the book at the end of this past school year so I could implement new things next year! I am excited to see what you post along the way!!

  36. WBT is awesome. I'm in kdg and we say our rules everyday. I love so much of it especially class-yes. Our 3rd grade buddies use it too so the kids talk talk talk together and then class-yes and all 36 are silent :)Coach Biffle website is great and the video series there is very helpful. I went to a day conference with Chris Rekstad and LOVED it. Farrah Shipley has a WB blog which I also like too. Good luck! Ten finger wooo to you!

  37. Love-Love-Love WBT! I have watched some of the videos and read a few articles and visited the website-AWESOME! I can't wait to get the book. Thanks so much for sharing and I can't wait to read more!

  38. I love WBT! I am on my way to becoming a WB certified teacher! WBT totally changed my classroom atmosphere! FUN TIMES!

  39. I have a question: After watching a youtube video of WBT in kindergarten, I notices the children were all at their desks during the instruction. Their were times when they stood up, times when they faced their partner to teach and review...My question is: Using WBT in a kindergarten classroom, do you still have a "large group" area were the children gather for storytime, etc.?

  40. Ahh...now that I've left my comment, I see errors in typing. Sorry!

  41. I was introduced to WBT last summer as well and I'm super excited for this book study. I'll be reading along on my kindle and following you! Are you going to be doing the book study for certification?

    Success in Second Grade

  42. I started to explore WBT last summer and got my partner teacher into the action too. We dabbled in the techniques this year, just getting our "toes wet." I used "3 rules", our school behavior plan is only 3; Class, yes and lots of variations; the scoreboard; turn and teach and the SuperSpeed 100 somewhat. My goal for this summer is to dig deeper and understand more of the why and how so I can make it a more pervasive practice in my class. Can't wait to follow along on this book study.

    Donna W.

  43. I just got this book in the mail on Saturday and I am already on chapter 12. I can't put it down. I am super excited to try this next year!!!

  44. I am very intrigued by WBT! I recently learned about it and I just purchased the book. I am excited about keeping up with your experiences through it, as well!

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