We are going buggy this week in our centers! We have been learning about isopods this week in science, so it was the perfect opportunity to pull out our buggy centers!
Here’s a peek at what my kiddos are working on during math and literacy center time:
The children were SO excited about this game! And the best part….they don’t even realize they’re practice addition facts to 5! (Don’t worry, we fixed her mistake on this page!)

You can find this fun little game {here} if you’re interested. After centers this week, it will go in my math baskets for more practice.
I’m lucky enough to have 5 ipads in my classroom, and this week we were working with the app called Kindergarten Subtraction Lite. This app really helped kids to “get” the idea of subtraction. Plus, there is a fun little game they get to play after they practice a certain number of problems. It’s free, so go out and grab it!

and in the drawers…
Flip Five

We are continuing to practice adding on.

Naming and stamping coins

Kindergarten Subtraction Lite for the iPads

Counting the room!

Literacy centers…
The children walked around and found the CVC words and wrote/sorted them in the correct column.

Using magnifying glasses to find the teeny tiny words on the butterflies! The children LOVE using magnifying glasses!

We are working on ending sounds at this center – matching two pictures that have the same ending sound.

Unscrambling sentences

and we listened to this fun book at the listening center!

If you’re interested in this buggy centers, you can find them {here!}

and flip five is available {here!}

If you’re on Instagram – be sure to follow me! Just search for growingkinders