
Pete’s Lost his Mittens!

We have been having fun with snowmen, winter, and mittens these last few weeks.  It is desperately cold here in ND, so it is fitting.  The forecast says that it could be up to a –57 windchill tomorrow.  I need to put on some wool socks and crank up the furnace!

We played a fun little even and odd game this week.  The kids had a blast playing it.  I saw this idea on Julie Lee’s blog, and I thought I would adapt it to use with our favorite character….Pete the Cat! We love Pete the Cat, so anything with the image of Pete is bound to be a hit!

I made this super simple, super easy to make board and just cut 12 mittens out of construction paper.  I broke out the ginormous dice too!


We rolled 1 or 2 dice and counted the dots.  Then we counted out the correct number of mittens onto our “Petes.”  If one Pete was missing a mitten, we discovered the number was ODD!

IMG_5245We kept track of our results on our dry erase boards.  I had some super fun sheets for the kids to record their results, but the copier was broken, so I couldn’t use them!  I think I’ll throw this in a center and have the kiddos do it one more time.


I hope your copier isn’t broken so You can use these sheets! Click on the picture below to grab yourself a copy.

What is your favorite way to teach and reinforce even and odd numbers?


  1. OH MY GOSH! This is adorable. Thank you so much for sharing this. I will admit I have been kind of scared of teaching my kiddos about even and odd numbers this year. This group is really struggling with math. However, they do love their Pete the Cat so maybe it would make the concept a little less confusing for them.


  2. Love this! I use my ladybug. Students add dots back and forth on each side of the ladybug. They know the left side is always odd and the right side is even. Basically, they add paper dots to represent a number back and forth, back and forth, until they run out. Depending on the side they stop adding dots determines if the number is odd or even.

    Here is a copy from my website:

    Sprinkles to Kindergarten

  3. Pretty sure Pete makes everything better! :) One of my favorite ways to reinforce even/odd is the finger method. They put their fingers up (like the little church finger rhyme) and 1 is by itself, but then 2 touches it. 3 is by itself, but 4 touches it. Does that make sense? It really helps! Thanks for the freebie! Hope your copier is fixed!

  4. Great idea! We are also obsessed with Pete the Cat. Did you know that there are some new books coming out this spring? : )

    Yeehaw! Teaching in Texas

  5. Wonderful way to teach even and odd numbers! Does that say NEGATIVE 57 windchill??!! Oh my gosh!! Stay warm!

  6. Kathleen, this couldn't be cuter!! What a great way to teach even and odd numbers.

  7. Super cute! Odd and even numbers are tricky for the kids, this could do the "trick" THanks so much for sharing!

  8. Kathleen,
    I love your adorable Pete's Missing Mitten odd & even activity! Would you please tell me where you got the cute colored image of Pete?


  9. I would also like to know where yougot the cute colored image of Pete

  10. Thanks! Used this the other day and my kids ate it up!
