We played this super easy, super fun game today, and I know your kiddos will love it, because mine sure did!!
Here’s how it works:
First, you need some ten frame mats – after Sarah over at First Grader at Last blogged about these adorable 10 frame mats this summer, I had to run out to Wal-Mart and pick up some of these place mats!

Photo From Sarah at First Grader at Last
So, you need 10 frame mats and some sort of cover or marker – I use these red/white chips. Each pair will need 1 mat and 10 chips.

The children take turns placing the counters on the mat – one places and the other covers his/her eyes.
When the “placer” finishes, the “counter” opens his/her eyes and quickly tries to count how many counters are on the mat. The goal is to be able to quickly look and not count. (subitizing!) The children had fun playing this over and over and over!
For a twist, and for groups that were ready, instead of counting how many counters are on the mat, they counted how many empty spaces they were – quickly! As the children progress and get better and better, use 2 10 frame mats!

Give it a try tomorrow! It’s a great filler activity! If you don’t have 10 frame mats ready to go, you can use these! Plain and simple will do the trick too :)