
Resolutions: Organization

I’m linking up today with Hope at Second Grade Shenanigans for my new years resolutions for organization!  Be sure to stop by her blog for a chance to win some awesome prizes and to link up with your post about your organizational resolutions!

I love and hate to organize. If I had time, I think I could organize more, but in the course of a day, week, month, year the piles start to add up.  Anyone with me? My classroom is neat and organized at the beginning of the day, but by the end…  I usually have time to pick up, but every so often I need to stay late and just pick.things.up.

So, here are a few pics of how I organize some things in my classroom:

I store my centers in this fabulous containers.  I love them SO much.


I store my books in these containers:


and I store my posters in these nifty organizers:


These projects were a huge organizational feat for me last year.  It took a LOT of time, but I am so happy with the results.  I know where everything is, and it is quick and easy to put them away.

I love my little landing station.  But, I will admit it does get cluttered by the end of the day because it’s right by the door. 


The green drawers house my math and literacy centers.  I keep track of my bus riders with the clothes pins (each bus number has a different color), and I stick notes from parents on the bulletin board.  I use my little supply caddy for scissors, pencils, pens, lotion, and hand sanitizer.


This year, I want to tackle THIS:

I’m trying to toss old things as the year goes on, but there is that nagging voice in my head that says “keep it…you might need it again.” *sigh*  I KNOW I won’t need it again, and I’ll just re-make it if I do, but…..what if??

I also want to organize play lists in my iTunes for each month.  I have quite a few already, but I want to have my songs organized for each skill – rhyming, syllables, counting, etc.


This is an older picture of my classroom, and I’ve changed it a bit, AND it is QUITE messy in this picture, but you can see said cabinets above!

And my cabinets, oh, my cabinets.  I don’t have doors on my cabinets, so I use curtains.  I MUST go through these cabinets and TOSS. Again.

I also need to get in the habit of using this:


I carry it back and forth to school every day, but it rarely comes out of my bag. So sad. :(  My family uses google calendar to keep track of all of our appointments and classes, and it’s just so easy to pull up the calendar on my phone.  I resolve to use this MORE for school appointments!

A lovely blog reader also left a comment and told me about this cool site:

I already create my lesson plans on my computer, so maybe I’ll give this a whirl!

I’m working on organizing all of my word/letter/sound sorts, and I LOVE this idea from the Sweet Life of Third Grade.

Organizing word / sound / letter sorts

I really LOVE this idea too!

organize stickers by season and theme in a shoebox

This brilliant idea for sticker organization is from Kinder Craze.  Isn’t it is SO smart!

What are your resolutions for organizing?  Be sure to stop by Second Grade Shenanigans for a chance to win some great prizes and read about many other ideas for organizing!


  1. You WILL love planbook. ;) Or at least I do!
    I love your organizational tips. This is going to be my year for organizing.

  2. I just posted about the same clear/green containers for storing centers! Don't you just love how if fits paper perfectly so it can lay flat?! Thanks for your organizational tips! :)


    Mrs. Prince & Co.

  3. Great post! I SO need to get organized!!
    First Grade Blue SKies

  4. Oh Girl! Come to Missouri and give a girl some help!!!! Beautiful!

  5. I inherited a "sticker binder" get a 3 ring binder with several sheet protectors inside. I then drop by stickers in according to what they are....stars, smiles, hearts, christmas, general, teeth, I kind of put them in from beginning of the year to end of year, with general stuff in the front....I LOVE IT! The sheet protectors allow me to QUICK flip and SEE everything!

  6. I love those containers too! I buy one everytime I go to Target. The mister will never catch on!!!

    Mello’s Memos

  7. Great organizing tips! I wish I could be that organized! Love the containers!

    Hangin Out in First!

  8. I love your containers! What do you do with books that don't fit in the buckets? I sometimes have that problem. Thanks for the ideas!


  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. I've decided to buy 4 big crates and store my term items in each box. If I haven't used it all year, it's going to be 'donated' to our meeting room for others to take off my hands! I've just finished my first year of teaching and I already have so much STUFF so I'm hoping this system will help keep me on top of everything!

    Adoring Lilly

  11. Why oh WHY is it so hard to toss things out?! "But I'll need this'd be perfect if...enter some other reason to hang on to it..." Sheesh! I am with you on that one.

    I started a fundraiser for our friends at Sandy Hook elementary and I'd love for you to link up. Thanks for considering it! :)

    Little Miss Glamour Goes to Kindergarten

  12. Thanks for the ideas. I feel as though I am constantly looking for new ways to get more organized. I thought moving into a MUCH LARGER classroom that I would resolve this problem...but still haunts me lol..I am a new follower...thanks...Blogging is new to me; however you might want to check out my new blog

  13. Oh to be that organized! I was wondering which organizer you bought for your posters?
    Thank you!

  14. Hello! Did you ever get started on planbook? I would love to hear your thoughts. After visiting the website, I'm not sure I have the time to set it up...seems complicated. Look forward to your feedback on it.

  15. I was wondering where you got the ten green drawer organizer cart for your centers? I really like this idea!!!

    kwebb618 @ gmail dot com

  16. I also would love to know where you got the green drawers for math and literacy centers? Thanks!

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