
Some Chicka Chicka Fun!

I only have a few pictures from the fun of our Chicka Chicka week! I’m having a hard time remembering to snap pictures!

We made this fun snack ala Kim Jordano! She is awesome.  Have you stopped by her blog yet?  She is working on a fantastic book of fun recipes! She gave me a sneak peek! I can’t wait until they are all done – what a fun way to end a week.  Stop by her TpT store too – she has lots of fun stuff! I can’t wait to start making her Alphabet Poem Cards!


This super fun project was created by Kacey from Doodle Bugs! The children worked on these when we did our universal screen.  It was a great project when kids were coming and going from our classroom.



And our Chicka trees! LOVE this project!

And I have to tell you about the most fantastic pencil sharper there ever was.  I, like many of you, fight a losing battle with the pencil sharpener every year.  I gave up on the electric ones years ago – they frustrate me, and they are expensive.

Enter this bad boy…


Isn’t he beautiful!?  It is a manual sharpener – which I totally don’t mind. I’ve been using en el cheapo manual sharpener from office max for a few years now.  I usually went through 2 a year.  This baby makes pencils SO sharp, and sharpens them so fast. {My hubby said he grew up in Norway with a pencil sharpener like this one!}


(You can find the cute bucket labels HERE!)

It is a different way to sharpen pencils, but it works!  The best part is that you can get replacement parts! How cool is that?!

So, do you want one of these bad boys?  Click on over to Classroom Friendly Supplies to check them out.  They are only $25 with FREE shipping!

Oh, PS – My apple unit is FINALLY done! Not all of the exact same activities from my post last year are included, but there are similar activities with the same skills! Just ask if you have questions!

apple unit


  1. Can't wait to see it.Is the pocket chart activity included in the packet?

  2. We heard about the red and blue pencil buckets at dinner tonight :) I thought that was a genius idea! She also came to us this morning and told us that she and her sister have 5 letters in her name and her brothers- 6. Thank you for engaging her mind and sharing your ideas with others!

  3. I love Kim's blog and her website. Talk about the cute factor!

  4. I bought that pencil sharpener this summer. It really is as awesome as everyone says it is!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks for the inspiration! This board will be an annual one, I think!! :)

  6. Love the pencil sharpener! Went to check them out & maybe purchase one... but they are ALL sold out! How crazy is that? Thanks once again for all of the great ideas! Love, love, love all of your great post. Thank you for sharing with the rest of us!

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