
Learning Resources Give Away!

The $100 gift card give away ends soon! Be sure to add your entry using Raffle Copter! See the post below for more info....

Happy St. Paddy's day!

Corned beef and cabbage on the menu for this Irish gal today. AND a 70 degree day today! Holy smokes! Clothes are hanging out to dry - crazy ND weather, but I'm not complaining!


  1. Thank you for posting the Irish Blessing. It is a good one! Happy St. Patrick's Day to you and yours! Enjoy your lovely weather. It is rainy and cold here in California!

  2. RIght?! Its 82F here in E. Iowa! Gonna make going to back to school next week a nightmare. Our neighbor is a teacher in a district near by and is also on break dreading going back b/c of the lack of a/c. Gonna be a LONG spring for her if its "this" warm unit June!! eek!

    Happy Day!!

  3. I agree with author's view of "learning through enquiry Really enjoyed reading your blog.

  4. This is my all-time favorite blessing! When I was in my high school choir (a million years ago)we would close every concert with this blessing set to a beautiful melody. I'll sing it for you in Vegas! HA!

    Mrs. Wills Kindergarten
