
Management of Math and Literacy Centers

I’ve tried lots of different ways to organize math and literacy centers.  Sometimes I’ve needed to change because of the kiddos in my class, sometimes I’ve had to change because it doesn’t work for me.  So far, I like what I have so far!

Here is the management/rotation chart:


The top (red) chart is for literacy centers, the bottom (blue) chart is for math centers. (Thanks Julie for the great idea!) We do our literacy centers in the morning and our math centers in the afternoon.  Each child goes to one center a day, and it takes about 15-20 minutes.  I don’t pull any guided reading groups during literacy centers right now since we have extra support that comes to our classroom for guided reading/interventions.  I try to pull small groups or individuals for strategy work or assessments.  

The yellow strips are transparency/word highlighter thingys (I don’t know what they are called!).  These rotated every day in the beginning to show who was responsible for keeping the group on task and cleaning up materials.  I’ll admit, I’m not very good at changing them daily anymore! The kids have started to manage this on their own.


These drawers are where I keep the centers.  If something is too big to fit, it just goes on top.  The kids take the drawer to their table and take out the supplies they need.  Each drawer is labeled with a letter (literacy) or a number (math).


The tables are labeled to correspond with the number/letter.

Any questions?  Just leave a comment below!


  1. I have pulled literacy teams & stations for years!! I am just taking on math ones this year -- isnt that silly! To think that math was more generic than reading!! ha! I LOVE your double colored pocket chart. I will be looking for a way to manage mine -- next week is week 1!! LOVE IT!

    For math do you pull sm group to gear lessons to each set of students? Are they grouped like reading by skills or are they all mixed up to help for more divers learning? Just wondering b/c next week my kiddos will all be together but after that ...I am not sure ....

    Thanks for any insight!



      I want to share this wonderful testimony to the Good people all over the world on how I was able to Enlarge my Penis by Dr. Aziba. I was living a shameful life from my young age, just last month as I was browsing on the internet about Penis size and Enlargement Products, I saw a testimony of a Man called Tim James testifying of how he was able to get his penis Enlarged by Dr. Aziba and I decided to also Email Dr. Aziba for my small penis size and he quickly respond to me and gave me the normal instructions which i did and then he shipped the product to me here in the united state which i received in just 3 working days and today i am very happy because i started seeing positive changes in my penis size in just 7 days of use. Dr Aziba herbal product is the best recommended for you and to whom ever suffering from this shame or having any other diseases as well should Contact this great herbal doctor via his Email : Priestazibasolutioncenter@gmail.com and WhatsApp Him on +2348100368288

      OMG!! This is certainly a shocking and a genuine Testimonies. I visited a forum here on the internet on the 20TH OF OCT 2020, And I saw a marvelous testimonies of this powerful and great Doctor called PRIEST AZIBA on the forum. I never believed it, because I never heard nor learnt anything about Natural Enlargement Products. Nobody would have been able to influence me about Natural Enlargement Product not until PRIEST AZIBA did it for me and restored my Penis to a Normal size which i was very ok to have(11inch) he ask if I want to increase it further more i told him am ok with this I have now, so I'm recommending y'all in same situation to contact DR AZIBA via Email: PRIESTAZIBASOLUTIONCENTER@GMAIL.COM and also Contact him on his whatsApp +2348100368288I am really short of expressions, and i don't know how much to convey my appreciation to you PRIEST AZIBA you are a God sent to me and my entire friends whom has also use your product.. And now I am a joyful man with my family. here is DR Email and WhatsApp contact below Email: priestazibasolutioncenter@gmail.com.WhatsApp:+2348100368288

      I got married 2 years ago and it just seemed that there was no excitement in my sex life. My dysfunction to perform to the best of my abilities in bed made it harder for my wife and me to have a good time during sex. And i was having the feelings that she may decide to get a divorce one day. I knew something had to be done in order to improve my sex life and to save my marriage because my marriage was already falling apart, so when i was on my Facebook page i came across a story of how Dr Aziba helped him enlarged his penis to 8ins better.so i Immediately copied the Email address of the Dr and explained to him my problem, he gave me some simply instruction which i must follow and i did easily and my friends Today, i am the happiest man on Earth, All Thanks to Dr Aziba for saving my marriage and making me a real man today. I asked him about some popular diseases like HERPES,HIV AIDS,HEPATITES,DIABETIS, CANCERS, WART, HPV etc.. which are affecting most people he said there is no disease without a cure, he has it all...You can as well reach the Dr below for help on your problem, for he has the solution to all...
      WhatsAPP DR [ +2348100368288 ]

  2. hi Sarah - I pull groups based on what they need. I still have some kiddos that are struggling with numbers 1-10 and counting -eek. So, I'll pull them for 5-6 minutes to do some quick number work. Sometimes I will just sit with that child and work with him at the center. I also pull kids during rest time to do some extra work with them. Give them lots of time to learn the math centers (just like literacy!) so they know what is expected of them, so you won't have to manage them! If they finish quickly, I have them turn their paper over and practice writing their numbers. It's simple, but easy for them (and me!) to remember. Soon, I'll start to put out some extra math tubs for when they're finished. They won't always get to them, but they are there "just in case!"

  3. My centers last year were very similar (even used drawers, which I LOVE for saving space) until they cut our full day kindergarten:( Now I have half the time to squeeze centers in! I love your labels too. Good idea!

  4. Love the idea of using the drawers......I have some at school and I could put my stuff in there. Would love to know what all you use for your centers in math. I have tons of games and stuff, but not sure where to start! Any insights? Thank you!

  5. Love the idea! I have a ton of kids, so I am not sure the small pocket chart would work for me. Do you put more than one activity in each drawer, or is it just one?

  6. I'm so nervous to jump into centers. I'm used to 18-20 kids who all get along well and handle centers fabulously. This year I have 23 (so far) and most can only handle 3 max in a group. We've obviously been practicing but even trying out anything of substance resorts to arguing and eventually me breaking away from my group to get involved elsewhere so that it doesn't escalate. Should I just make tons of groups meaning extra work for me or keep practicing with what we've been doing and hope they tune into the fact that they need to suck it up and work things out for themselves for this 10-15 minutes?

  7. @Jen - yep, I have one activity in each drawer. It usually takes about 15 minutes for everyone to complete their center right now. If they finish early they can write their sight words or alphabet on the back of their paper or read their sight word ring (literacy), or write their numbers of the back (math). I will start to introduce some extra activities for the quick finishers soon!

    @Sara - I would keep on practicing! You might just not have a group this year that can do centers! Keep it simple so you are able to pull some groups. Always pre-teach what you are doing. You don't want anything they haven't seen in your centers. They should be practicing what they have already learned.

  8. I love the idea of using drawers to organize the math workshops! What size drawers are you using?

  9. WOW! What an interesting way to look at organizing both literacy and math. I LOVE it. I may look at changing how I do my centers as well. Do you use them like workstations where the kids have a product to turn in each day?


  10. Sara could also do 6 centers :) then her groups would not have more than 4. That's what I do and it works AND lucky there are 6 drawers. It works great to have the number/letter on the table that correspond with the buckets (helps when you have a sub then- they will know where to place things!) So glad I started doing that a couple of years ago! Weird how it took a few years of doing centers to figure that out! ha! Just need cuter letters now :)

  11. Good point, Leslie! It's so nice this year to have groups of 3-4! I'm treasuring it! Last year it was groups of 4-5! A few years of doing centers, and some good friends to help you along the way :)

  12. Mrs Cole - yes, most days they do have some sort of tasks to show me. Sometimes there is nothing to bring home, but most days there are.

  13. Hey there! I am new to this whole centers things and I would really like to start doing it this upcoming school year. I was wondering how long does your centers last?


    1. I usually have 5 centers a week, and each group rotates through them. So a set would go for a week. We usually do centers for 30 minutes a day (less in the beginning!) I sometimes have 6 centers if I have a BIG class!

  14. Where you find out your numbers and letters for your centers?

  15. I'm a first year Kindergarten teacher, straight out of college. I did student teaching in 5th grade so it's a big adjustment. We've been in school for some time now and I have been doing centers, but feel like I'm struggling to come up with meaningful ones. I sometimes feel like I'm giving them "busy work" but in the form of centers. Any suggestions on what I should do as a beginning teacher with K centers? Also, do you change them weekly? Are they usually similar centers so the kids know what to do, or do you have to kind of introduce your centers each Monday? Help!?

    1. I teach a 1/2 day kinder and this is what I found works for me and my kindies. We have 4 days a week to have centers and so I have 4 centers. I have them at different tables and each has a subject: Math, Writing, Listening/Reading and Art. With each subject there are 4 activities, 2 new and 2 that stay the same for a month. Math for example this week is a 1. "roll a penguin" 2. Teen number memory 3. Math Games (sand table search and sort 4. Math games (dominos). They have to do the first two boxes (star boxes first) and then they can choose what to do next or they can go to the libary. The children have to stay at their center for the full 30 minutes and figure out how to manage their time and stay occupied. At this time I call groups to read, so that makes the groups a tad smaller and a little more quite.

  16. OMG!! This is certainly a shocking and a genuine Testimonies. I visited a forum here on the internet on the 20TH OF OCT 2020, And I saw a marvelous testimonies of this powerful and great Doctor called PRIEST AZIBA on the forum. I never believed it, because I never heard nor learnt anything about Natural Enlargement Products. Nobody would have been able to influence me about Natural Enlargement Product not until PRIEST AZIBA did it for me and restored my Penis to a Normal size which i was very ok to have(11inch) he ask if I want to increase it further more i told him am ok with this I have now, so I'm recommending y'all in same situation to contact DR AZIBA via Email: PRIESTAZIBASOLUTIONCENTER@GMAIL.COM and also Contact him on his whatsApp +2348100368288I am really short of expressions, and i don't know how much to convey my appreciation to you PRIEST AZIBA you are a God sent to me and my entire friends whom has also use your product.. And now I am a joyful man with my family. here is DR Email and WhatsApp contact below Email: priestazibasolutioncenter@gmail.com.WhatsApp:+2348100368288 



    I want to share this wonderful testimony to the Good people all over the world on how I was able to Enlarge my Penis by Dr. Aziba. I was living a shameful life from my young age, just last month as I was browsing on the internet about Penis size and Enlargement Products, I saw a testimony of a Man called Tim James testifying of how he was able to get his penis Enlarged by Dr. Aziba and I decided to also Email Dr. Aziba for my small penis size and he quickly respond to me and gave me the normal instructions which i did and then he shipped the product to me here in the united state which i received in just 3 working days and today i am very happy because i started seeing positive changes in my penis size in just 7 days of use. Dr Aziba herbal product is the best recommended for you and to whom ever suffering from this shame or having any other diseases as well should Contact this great herbal doctor via his Email : Priestazibasolutioncenter@gmail.com and WhatsApp Him on +2348100368288

    OMG!! This is certainly a shocking and a genuine Testimonies. I visited a forum here on the internet on the 20TH OF OCT 2020, And I saw a marvelous testimonies of this powerful and great Doctor called PRIEST AZIBA on the forum. I never believed it, because I never heard nor learnt anything about Natural Enlargement Products. Nobody would have been able to influence me about Natural Enlargement Product not until PRIEST AZIBA did it for me and restored my Penis to a Normal size which i was very ok to have(11inch) he ask if I want to increase it further more i told him am ok with this I have now, so I'm recommending y'all in same situation to contact DR AZIBA via Email: PRIESTAZIBASOLUTIONCENTER@GMAIL.COM and also Contact him on his whatsApp +2348100368288I am really short of expressions, and i don't know how much to convey my appreciation to you PRIEST AZIBA you are a God sent to me and my entire friends whom has also use your product.. And now I am a joyful man with my family. here is DR Email and WhatsApp contact below Email: priestazibasolutioncenter@gmail.com.WhatsApp:+2348100368288

    I got married 2 years ago and it just seemed that there was no excitement in my sex life. My dysfunction to perform to the best of my abilities in bed made it harder for my wife and me to have a good time during sex. And i was having the feelings that she may decide to get a divorce one day. I knew something had to be done in order to improve my sex life and to save my marriage because my marriage was already falling apart, so when i was on my Facebook page i came across a story of how Dr Aziba helped him enlarged his penis to 8ins better.so i Immediately copied the Email address of the Dr and explained to him my problem, he gave me some simply instruction which i must follow and i did easily and my friends Today, i am the happiest man on Earth, All Thanks to Dr Aziba for saving my marriage and making me a real man today. I asked him about some popular diseases like HERPES,HIV AIDS,HEPATITES,DIABETIS, CANCERS, WART, HPV etc.. which are affecting most people he said there is no disease without a cure, he has it all...You can as well reach the Dr below for help on your problem, for he has the solution to all...
    WhatsAPP DR [ +2348100368288 ]

  18. “So I’m someone’s mom!” Welcoming our first child, Cecily , at 12:24 p.m. on Tuesday, July 14. We are absolutely head over heels in love with Cecily, and parenthood is already the most insane and beautiful thing in existence, It's made me excited to have a little spitfire of a daughter of my own. I remembered when i found out i was pregnant 3years ago and was about to walk away from the musical. But at eight weeks, i had a miscarriage. i was so unhappy, until i seek help spiritually from Priest Babaka the herbal practitioner, who helps and guide me to get pregnant again, even at the trying times few weeks in April when i battled symptoms of the coronavirus including "a cough that makes it feel like my head is splitting open from the inside out, but luckily, the baby was okay with the Priest help. i am happy to finally be a mother, couples out there that needs help, trying to conceive a baby, contact Priest Babaka on babaka.wolf@gmail.com or Facebook at priest.babaka , you will definitely have a baby to make you a parent. He handle Pregnancy related cases.
