
Organization Linky Party!

As I was standing in my classroom today, I couldn’t help but notice how incredibly unorganized it is right now! I have stacks of filing to file (to be honest….files from AUGUST!), trade books that I need to weed through and get rid of, centers to organize, piles to get rid of, games to put away…. aaarrrrgggghhhhh!!!! STOP.THE.MADNESS.

I really WISH I was organized.  I think I am a little bit – my room looks good outwardly, but don’t you dare look behind the curtains or open the cupboard door – you may be injured from falling alphabets, books or dice. 

So, that got me thinking – how do YOU organize YOUR classroom? Share with us your best tips and tricks – I bet I’m not the only one who has some spring cleaning fever (although at –15 today, it hardly felt like spring!) So, leave a comment and tell us your best tip, or link up at your own blog! I (and many others!) would love to see some photos of your best organizational tips!

So, grab the image below – link up, and post away!!

get organized

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  1. Kathleen, this is a great idea! :)

  2. Great! I can't wait to read everyone's ideas!


  3. http://blogs.scholastic.com/top_teaching/2010/10/getting-organized-for-academic-success.html

  4. I'm so glad I'm not the only one feeling this way right now. I can't stand to be inside my classroom right now, but I have NO ENERGY to fix it. :/

  5. omg just came across your blog and i love it- what a fabulous idea- i love being organized! xo

  6. Thank you. This is what I'm currently working on in my classroom.

  7. Great idea!


  8. Awesome idea! I love to be organized but it does take some time and finding a way that works for YOU is key.
    I teach two kindergarten classes (one class everyother day) so I color code EVERYTHING from name tags to folders to baskets...everything. One class is red and one class is blue. It took me a few years to get it all down but now it's great. Also, anything for small groups/centers/ etc. is in green baskets or containers.
    Labeling every container is also helpful; for manipulatives and shelves that students use I always put a picture of the contents or what the shelf is supposed to look like to help them help me keep organized.
    I'm excited to read everyone's ideas!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Awesome idea!


  11. So I'm late joining up and some how missed the post but I posted pictures of my room on my blog

  12. What a great idea! I hate that I missed to join up! I'm hosting my first Linky Party right now and would love to have your ideas!! :)

    Little Miss Glamour Goes to Kindergarten

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