We’ve been busy with lots of fun Thanksgiving centers and activities for the past week. This week is packed full as well!! Here are some of the literacy and math centers that we are working on!
Turkey Friends: lift up the turkey and find a friend underneath. The children write their friends’ names on the corresponding line.
(original idea from a friend)
The children have been very successful with this center this week (even my lowest kiddos!) I put the corresponding letter tiles into the baggie with the picture. The children build the word, write it on their paper, and then do a quick illustration.

Syllable Sort: How many drum beats? You can find this adorable activity on Kim Adsit’s Thanksgiving Pack.
Sight Word Memory: A colleague sent me these cards. The children turn all the cards upside down and find the matching sight words. When they find the matching words, they write it down on their paper.
Listening Center: The children listened to this book, and did a response activity in which they had to recall one disguise that the turkey used, and how he eventually disguised himself in the end.
Turkey Alphabet and letter/sound match:
We also did the usual letter sort (R,S,M and roll a sight word – color words)
Math Centers:
The children measured different turkeys with links.
Number Sequencing: The children sequenced turkeys by counting by 10s.
Finding number combinations to 5.
Patterning with different colored turkey feathers. I laminated the feathers and the black construction paper and attached velcro to the back. The children build their pattern with the feathers first and then color in the response sheet.
Roll, Count and Compare: The children roll the dice and place that many of their colored unifix cubes on the board. When the board is full, they stack up their cubes and determine the winner using the more/less spinner. Kim Adsit has a great pack of all of these games on Teachers Pay Teachers. (This version is not in her pack)

PIlgrim Number Words: The children match the number card to the number word and find the corresponding number on their sheet and write the word. I made the cards match by color to help my lower kiddos.
Turkey Addition: The children used a dice in a dice for this game. They rolled the dice, placed the correct number of feathers on each turkey and counted the total. The math mat is available on Mathwire.com.
Thanksgiving Graph: The children counted how many of each item is on the table and graphed it.
We also read this book:
The children came up with their own ways to rescue a turkey! (This story is about a team of turkeys that rescues chickens from a fox, but we took it one step further!)
We played this totally fun game from Kim Adsit’s Thanksgiving pack! The children were divided into 2 groups. Each team got a swatter (these happen to be gigantic!) I would call out a sight word and they would rush to swat it! The children had a BLAST!
And we made some turkeys…. I demonstrated one time for the kiddos how to make these turkeys. It was a good assessment to really see which children can pay attention to directions!
Up this week: Mayflower, being thankful, swallowing a pie, and children then and now!