Isn’t there just something magical about celebrating the 100th day? The children are so very excited, and it is so fun to reflect on all of the learning that has been accomplished in those 100 days.
Here is a little glimpse of some of the activities that we like to do in our classroom:
Here’s a quick preview of some of the fun we had today!
I love to put up door decorations for the kids – they are so excited and it makes the day extra special for them.

We love to celebrate with hats! For this activity, we drew a number card (in this case 1) and used bingo daubers to show the combination we would need to make 10. When we are finished, we stapled the large sentence strip to make a hat. Sometimes I leave the number strips floppy, other times I staple the top to make it look like a chef’s hat!

This activity is a write the room game. The children collect the number clues and fill in their number grids for a special surprise at the end.

Necklaces!! We love our 100th day necklaces! I use perler beads (fusible beads) and plastic cord for the necklaces. One container of beads and 1 spool of cord lasts forever!!
We use an egg carton (cut off 2 sections) and count 10 beads in each section. Then they string their beads on the plastic cord with a marker in between each set of 10.

The children had a great time making their 100th day collections with their family. It’s fascinating for them to see 100 represented in so many different ways.

And of course, or 100th day snack is ALWAYS a hit!

Using bingo daubers again to show 100!

We work on our Zero the Hero book every 10 days. It’s so fun to finally complete it!

We read the book 100th Day Worries, and made text to self connections and wrote about what worries us!

When my cat ran away but he came back.

I am worried about someone getting hurt.
I am SO EXCITED about this next project! Julie Lee makes these amazing 100th day collages, and I knew I wanted to do it this year. I wanted 5 different activities so each table group could have their own.
We started out counting out 10 sets of 10 on our giant ten frames. Once we checked and double checked, we got out the glue bottles, and glued all of our pieces on.

100 pizza toppings!

100 snowflakes in a snow globe!

100 sprinkles on our cookie!

100 gumballs in our gumball machine!

If you are interested in any of these 100th day activities, check out my 100th day back! There is SO much more included in it than what is shown here!

and Zero the Hero