
Learning the Alphabet {Part 1}

Back when I was teaching Kindergarten, one of my favorite things to teach was the alphabet.  I loved the daily routine of practicing letter sounds, letter identification, and letter formation.  I strived to find a way to make letter learning fun and interactive.

Here are some of my favorites!

This letter learning game is from a collection of learning games that I have in my TpT shop.  This is a student favorite!  The popsicle stick with the star is hidden inside the ice cream bar (the bottom is left open when assembling).  I hold up 4-5 target letters, and the children have to name the letter (and/or sound) to guess which ice cream bar has the star popsicle stick.


These magnetic spinners are so fun! I found mine on Amazon.  These are fun and easy to use as a quick time filler because it takes hardly any prep.   Simply write a few target letters on your whiteboard and have children take turns spinning the spinner and naming the letter.  This whiteboard is portable so I would often hold it at the door during dismissal, and the children would spin and name the letter before they left.


Alphabear is a fun sung that I wrote just to add a little more fun in the day!  Download it for FREE here!


The Letter Factory is an oldie, but a goodie!  These were my absolute favorite to use everyday during our morning meeting.  We would warm up our brains using these cards and listening to the Letter Factory song.  I would also use Visual Phonics to help kids make a kinesthetic connection to the letters.  I am not sure if these cards are still available, I got them probably 10 years ago in a boxed set, but you can find the Letter Factory video here.image

This is just a simple twist on a “BANG” game.  I programmed letters on popsicle sticks and added a few “BANG” sticks in as well.  We pass the can in the circle and the child with the can pulls out a stick.  He/she reads the letter and/or sound and places it in the center of the circle.  By placing it in the center of the circle, it becomes a TEAM game rather than an individual game.  If they read the letter incorrectly, the stick goes back in the can.  If they pull out a BANG stick, all the sticks go back in the can.  The twist on this game is the SOCK.  It is a game changer! Kids can’t peek and pull out letter they know or search for that BANG stick!


This game works the same was as BANG, but it’s called SNAP!  Children reach in the container (an empty dishwasher pod detergent container) and pull out a letter , they say the letter/sound and put it in the center.  If they get a SNAP card, they all go back in! You can find this game here!


Bubble Pop is an ALL TIME FAVORITE!  We play this game in small groups, and it is played like the card game SLAP JACK!  The children absolutely adore this fast paced letter learning game.  Snag it here!


If you’re looking for more fun and easy alphabet games check out this pack!

ABC Come Learn With Me! 8 Fun Games for the Alphabet